
boy outfits for pics??

I am not having any luck finding something for DS1 and 2 to wear for our pics next Sat.  I don't want to do "matching" outfits, but rather "coordinating" outfits (if that makes any sort of sense! lol :).

 Everywhere I look it seems that the "dressy" stuff is sold out (I know... Easter is over, I get it!).  So far I've checked Old Navy, Gap, Children's Place, Crazy 8, Gymbo.  Any other suggestions of where I can look?  Even better if you feel like shopping and want to send me actual outfits!  I love the preppy look :)

Between tubes last week and pneumonia this week (DS1), I am so behind b/c we haven't left the house.  I'm hoping to be able to buy online and ship but am willing to go to a store if I need to... 

Re: boy outfits for pics??

  • How much are you looking to spend on each outfit?
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersimageimage
  • I'm flexible as long as it's something that they can still wear over the spring/summer/fall... 
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  • You could do this for one of them:


    And this for the other:


    Janie and Jack though, kind of pricy.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersimageimage
  • I totally forgot about janie and jack!!  Awesome.  I did look on Tea and wasn't wowed.  Off to peruse J&J... thanks!! :)
  • check out crewcuts (j crew), too. It starts at size 2, but that's made to fit a 12-18 month old. Anyway, I personally like it better than J&J. I had some J&J stuff but crewcuts always fit better for my kids.
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