Cloth Diapering

Talk to me about wool or fleece shorties.

We live in So Cal. I am intrigued by wool or fleece shorties. They act like a cover, yes? Will they be too hot in the summer? I know nothing about wool or fleece when it comes to using them with fitteds or prefolds, so any info would help!
Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015

Re: Talk to me about wool or fleece shorties.

  • imageheyitsme:
    We live in So Cal. I am intrigued by wool or fleece shorties. They act like a cover, yes?  Yes Will they be too hot in the summer? No I know nothing about wool or fleece when it comes to using them with fitteds or prefolds, so any info would help! See the FAQ
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