
Can I get a perscription for crying?

Mostly for DS, but for me too!! I'm going to loose my mind. First off, I feel terrible for DS. He's been sick for a week and finally overnight his fever broke. He's on 1x a day anitbiotics since wednesday, and has simply taken forever to get better. Plus he's cutting 2 molars. He's a hot mess. Nothing makes him happy. And I'm a freaking hot mess as well, and DD isn't far behind! It's like everyday for a week he's been a fussy mess.

DH wants me to take him back to the DR, but what are they going to say? Babies get sick, babies cry and are miserable beings when ill. DD was never, ever sick so it's like being new parents all over w/ DS's EI's, tubes, and being much sicker than DD.

UG. DH cannot get home soon enough!

DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

Christmas 2011

Re: Can I get a perscription for crying?

  • You definitely deserve a script of some wine or booze!  Poor thing! 

    It is so hard when they are sick.  Klaire has been much healthier than Kyle overall but everytime she is sick she wakes up so early - like 4:30am to whine all day!

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