We usually give DD some naked time in the evening before her shower/bedtime. She's a pretty regular girl so it's pretty easy to time things to avoid messes.
Two days ago she was playing behind the couch with our steam cleaner (using keys to 'unlock' it) and we just heard her making her work noises and all seems normal. All of a sudden she streaks out from behind the couch, grabs a wipe (we've had some velour ones out for nose wiping) and puts it between her legs, while running for the stairs. This seemed odd so I looked behind the couch and there was a poop laying on the floor. Thank goodness is was firm and easy to clean up both the girl and the floor.
Yesterday I decided to put GM Natalie on DD for the first time. In the time it took me to walk down the stairs with her, she absolutely soaked the entire diaper. Must have been saving pee all morning. So I take it off, wipe her, and go get a clean diaper. When I return, DD is squatting next to another poop, with a water bottle in her hands, ready to spray and making worried noises. DH was playing a video game behind her and missed the whole thing.
Guess we're going to get a potty and start learning.
Re: Poo on the floor... twice.
I don't know why these stories are funny for me, but I do get a little giggle out of them. I am sure I won't be giggling when DD does this to me. Sorry about your poopy floor!
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Was she going to use the water bottle to clean up? Holy adorable!
That's what it looked like. I also love that she tried to wipe her own bum. Haha- I'm laughing again just thinking about it.
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