Ugh. We went today. Will had a ball, and yeah, it was great to see him have fun. That being said, I hate the fair. It's dirty and gross. I'm not really a fan of large gatherings of people like that anyway. Ew.
But yeah, Will had a ball. He loved the cotton candy and the funnel cake.
Re: I hate the Fair.
Well, if it was anything like the fairs they have around here, it made for GREAT people watching.
I'm sure you lost track of how many people you saw donning a mullet after #672, right?
Um, yeah I loved the funnel cake too. LOL
And yeah Goose, I saw some wicked fierce mullets being worked today. It was people watching heaven.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I don't like events like that either.
But yum, funnel cake makes it worth it
I love taking the kids to our county fair, but we always go in the late morning before the midway and all that stuff even opens. We just go, see the 4H animals and other displays, then get out of there before the crowds start to trickle in.
I thought my H was going to choke the carnies that were supposed to be directing traffic on the way out. They were all sitting around smoking while traffic was a big ol' clusterfuck.
And Cleo, I thought of you today when we were looking at the chickens. I saw the pretty, fluffy ones. They were adorable.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.