June 2011 Moms


I know it's early but I need to get this off my chest! I'm still really upset by a few of the comments made yesterday on the UO thread. It really disgusts me that certain people on this board are that heartless :(
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Re: FFFC!!!!

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    I sometimes have moments where I'm more excited for June because it means I get to leave my $hitty job than I am excited for LO to be here.

    It usually happens after a bad call, and not for very long, but it does happen. 


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    And Then There Were Three...
    Married: 08/14/10
    Baby #1 Born: 06/18/11
    June Moms Blog
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    I'm starting to get really pissed every time I see a "Nursery is Finished!" post. Because I am so JEALOUS!

    My husband and I moved to Argentina a month and a half ago for his job and our stuff is stuck in customs. This includes the crib, all the baby clothes and supplies. Everything! Argentina better figure there cr@p out soon so I can finally nest. ha!

    BFP #1- Feb 2010 - M/C at 8w March 2010 BFP #2- Oct 2011 - Claire Lillian born June 21, 2011 BFP #3- Feb 2012 - M/C at 4w4d March 2012 BFP #4- Aug 12th, 2012 - EDD Apr 25th, 2013. T&P that this one stays put!
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    I sometimes have moments where I'm more excited for June because it means I get to leave my $hitty job than I am excited for LO to be here.

    It usually happens after a bad call, and not for very long, but it does happen. 

    I have days like this too, although I'm planning on going back to the crappy job after LO's born. I haven't been motivated to be at work for the past 4 months and I've been slacking off. It also helps that I get no help from the people that should be helping me.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    MPZ born June 2011
    TTC #2 ... Cycle 1-3: IUI = BFN | Cycle 4: IVF ... canceled but 3 snow babies
    Cycle 5: FET .. BFP! | EDD - 3/15/2014
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    I want to make up some reason to cancel on my friend for dinner tonight because I really don't care to see a "friend" who always cancels on me. She canceled last night because she had a headache. I wanted to just go off on her, I'm sitting here with my back hurting, my feet swollen and a baby foot in my rib but I was going to go to dinner. She cancels or rescheduled everytime and I am tired of it. Sorry that turned into a vent, but she bothers me and has for a while now.
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    Not one OUNCE of me is interested in this DUMB royal wedding. I can NOT wait until all this hype dies down. Those to getting married has taken over the local news and I can barely get a glimpse of whats goin on in my area. I wish they would have pulled a Britney Spears and eloped in Vegas!
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    Erica & Justin
    Parents of Ethan-4 Spencer-1 Peyton-3months
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    Building off the earlier post but slightly different, I think I am more excited about June because I really don't like being pregnant/feeling sick all the time, than I am about baby.  Don't get me wrong, I love my baby, it is just that I am going to love her even more when she is not in my body!
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    I am seriously not giving up... I've been in constant pain since 27 weeks. I am sick and tired of everyone IRL keep asking when will I talk to my doctor about an induction because I can't walk anymore. Hello people, I am not giving up that quickly!! Plus a induction just becasue I CAN'T do something or because 'I' am the one in pain is extremely selfish IMO. Anyone can get though some pain and suffering for the time. I just have to give it one hour at a time... I am just sick of people asking me when I'll be induced or... if I would beg for an induction. NO I WON'T!! End of story....

     Edit: I know this isn't a FFFC on this board... maybe more of a vent.. 

    Proud Cloth Diapering, Babywearing Mommy to Desmond (5.30.2011) and Evangeline (2.26.2014)
    Loving wife, best friend and teammate to Babywearing Daddy, Kelly (7.27.2000)

    Volunteer Babywearing Educator at Babywearing International of South Central Pennsylvania 
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    Building off the earlier post but slightly different, I think I am more excited about June because I really don't like being pregnant/feeling sick all the time, than I am about baby.  Don't get me wrong, I love my baby, it is just that I am going to love her even more when she is not in my body!
    After spending 2 1/2 hours trying to get comfortable enough to go back to sleep, I am right there with you... I want nothing more than to be able to sleep on my stomach right now.
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    And Then There Were Three...
    Married: 08/14/10
    Baby #1 Born: 06/18/11
    June Moms Blog
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    Here's one of my own confessions. When I go back to work, I have no plans to try to pump at the office. My uppers are the sort of people that expect you to re-arrange your calendar if they want to meet with you. I would never be able to keep a consistent pumping schedule, so I don't think I'll even try. That's part of the reason while I'll be going unpaid for 12 weeks -- so I can stay with LO as long as possible (5.5 months with half the time at full pay and half the time with no pay).

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    MPZ born June 2011
    TTC #2 ... Cycle 1-3: IUI = BFN | Cycle 4: IVF ... canceled but 3 snow babies
    Cycle 5: FET .. BFP! | EDD - 3/15/2014
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    I'm starting to get really pissed every time I see a "Nursery is Finished!" post. Because I am so JEALOUS!

    My husband and I moved to Argentina a month and a half ago for his job and our stuff is stuck in customs. This includes the crib, all the baby clothes and supplies. Everything! Argentina better figure there cr@p out soon so I can finally nest. ha!

    That is aweful!!! I couldn't imagine!! Hopefully that gets figured out very soon!

    My nursery was together.. but now it's in shambles because I decided I wanted to paint...


    I am also still upset over comments yesterday, especially after waking up this morning and hearing the death amounts have risen. So sad and thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is going through this right now.


    My FFFC is... I really dislike my SIL. She is ok but she does not refer me as "Aunt Jenn" to her daughter. It really pisses me off! Granted DH and I weren't married when she was born (she is 2 1/2) , we were together and I was there through alot with her throughout her whole pregnancy! DH and I are married now and there is just no excuse in my opinion! Maybe this is more a vent as well... It makes me want to refer to her as "Not Aunt L----" when my daughter is born.

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    I am irritated with my ILs. This is our 5th year living away from home...used to be 350 miles but this year it's 1000 miles. They have not made any effort to come visit us this entire year. We are moving home (50 miles from them) 1 week after this baby is due. Now that we're getting close, they have decided they want to come visit and are pushing us to find a weekend that is good. We are in an 800 sq ft apartment and since I can't really 'nest' I have already started packing and taking decor down. They want to come the weekend I am 37 weeks pregnant and frankly I don't feel like entertaining them or cleaning the apartment for them...nor is there room for them to comfortably stay here. I am so aggravated they waited till the very last minute to try and come see us.
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    I really didn't think I cared about the royal wedding, but I flipped on the Today show in time for "the kiss" and totally teared up.

    Stupid pregnancy hormones.

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    I keep cheating on my GD diet and I feel horrible about it.  The poor baby is already dealing with so much and I have been so selfish.  I am just so hungry all the time and since I am on bedrest all I think about is food.  
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    LI444LI444 member

    Mine are lame.

    1.  I cried my eyes out watching the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows part 2 trailer yesterday.  I love Alan Rickman/Snape and knowing what's coming for him, and then seeing Mrs. Weasley's grief-stricken face as she attacked Bellatrix made me sit here and cry hysterically.  I told my husband about it when he got home and I was laughing at myself, but remembering Mrs. Weasley made me start crying again in front of him.  Ready for my pregnancy hormones to calm the eff down...

    2.  I then had a Harry Potter dream in which the good side was doing really badly and few of us had wands...I had a clothespin and some pebbles I was using to flick at the death eaters.

    3.  My husband told me to take it easy today (lots of pain around my c-section scar lately, doctor said it's normal for second pregnancies especially after so deep a cut in my case) so I don't plan on getting up from the couch, other than when LO1 absolutely needs me to. 

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    I keep having wild, hot sex dreams about people other than DH.  And DH and I haven't had sex for probably a week or 2 now so I feel like I'm getting what I need in my dreams but depriving him.  Lol
    BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Not one OUNCE of me is interested in this DUMB royal wedding. I can NOT wait until all this hype dies down. Those to getting married has taken over the local news and I can barely get a glimpse of whats goin on in my area. I wish they would have pulled a Britney Spears and eloped in Vegas!


    I did have to watch a snip of it though as I was TRYING to hear the weather forecast this morning. I hated her dress. I don't like classic lacey dresses though. I didn't see the entire thing, just the top. Yah, I wasn't a fan.

    Anyway, I don't really have a fffc today! Not yet at least. I'm just going to sit here and eat this pizza (for breakfast), drink my coffee, and see what you ladies have today! =)

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    My coworker and I have the same job. In November they put both of us on parttime, one day after I told them I was pregnant. Twenty hours later she was no longer on part time b/c she was 'really needed' on a project. I found it really coincidental and irritating that although we both had billable work, I was restricted in my hours and she was not. However, I have tried to move past it.

    Fast Forward... Sunny, as I call her, is always saying she will do anything to help out, but when it comes down to it, she won't, she always has some excuse and will not do anything 'below' her even though we are both considered admins. So, this week, she went home sick, and has been sick all week. She came in yesterday morning to sign out and say she was going to the doctor and she was too sick to come back to work at all. Then she posts last night on FB that she just had THE BEST FIRST DATE EVER. Really? Too sick to work for four days, but you can totally go out on a date? So, I told one of my coworkers. Normally, I would have kept it to myself, but I was so pissed. Here I am working extra hours and not getting paid and she just takes advantage of her full time status. I cannot wait to see her face when I tell her I am not coming back to work after my STD is up. She will get stuck with ALL OF MY WORK.. priceless. :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I keep cheating on my GD diet and I feel horrible about it.  The poor baby is already dealing with so much and I have been so selfish.  I am just so hungry all the time and since I am on bedrest all I think about is food.  

    I agree, for some reason I was a lot less tempted to cheat before I was on bedrest.  I've been doing okay but it has definitely gotten harder.  I did get my doc's permission to have cake at my shower tonight! :))

    I'm sure you are doing the best you can do.

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    I gave my boobs a little squeeze the other day just to see if anything would come out.  Not expecting it at all, I got a couple teeny tiny drops of colostrum and it totally creeped me out.  Like I got nauseous and had to lay down for a minute Embarrassed  Now I'm thinking how the heck am I going to BF??
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    My baby shower is Sunday and only 2 things have been purchased off my Target Registry, and 0 items off my BRU registry. I am thinking we are about to get a crap load of clothes. I'm grateful but annoyed because when I told everyone we weren't registering, so many people talk me into registering (guests), but doesn't look like it even matters.
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    I have had chocolate covered strawberries for most days of this pregnancy. (maybe 2/3 of the pregnancy, not including the vomitous first trimester)
    Lilypie - (eo79)
     Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    My baby shower is Sunday and only 2 things have been purchased off my Target Registry, and 0 items off my BRU registry. I am thinking we are about to get a crap load of clothes. I'm grateful but annoyed because when I told everyone we weren't registering, so many people talk me into registering (guests), but doesn't look like it even matters.

    More than half of your guests probably won't even purchase your gift until Sunday, right before they go to your shower. I bet half of the people who DO purchase off your registry also don't know that they need to have the registry scanned during check out so that it gets checked off as purchased. So, seriously, don't worry.

    Photobucket Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary
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    My baby shower is Sunday and only 2 things have been purchased off my Target Registry, and 0 items off my BRU registry. I am thinking we are about to get a crap load of clothes. I'm grateful but annoyed because when I told everyone we weren't registering, so many people talk me into registering (guests), but doesn't look like it even matters.

    More than half of your guests probably won't even purchase your gift until Sunday, right before they go to your shower. I bet half of the people who DO purchase off your registry also don't know that they need to have the registry scanned during check out so that it gets checked off as purchased. So, seriously, don't worry.


     Thanks for the reassurance. I am totally hoping this is the case. I'll let you know how it goes. LOL

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    I've eaten a deli ham sandwich every day this week and I love it!! 
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    I filled out my FMLA/STD paperwork and had the dr's office fill out their part. The dates they put down for me being out of work were for 8 weeks.

    I received a letter approving me for the FMLA/STD, but only being paid for 8 weeks of STD "based on the medical necessity provided by the dr" . I'm going to talk to my dr and see if he can write another note stating that I actually need 11 weeks off for medical reasons, just so I can get paid via STD (that I have accured).


    ::Zips up suit...flame away:: 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I keep having wild, hot sex dreams about people other than DH.  And DH and I haven't had sex for probably a week or 2 now so I feel like I'm getting what I need in my dreams but depriving him.  Lol


    THIS!!! I'm on pelvic rest which kind of makes it worse since I can't actually relieve myself (or my poor DH).  I seriously can't look at the guy that runs the print shop I send most of my work to anymore without blushing.  Embarrassed It's getting embarrassing . . .

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I keep having wild, hot sex dreams about people other than DH.  And DH and I haven't had sex for probably a week or 2 now so I feel like I'm getting what I need in my dreams but depriving him.  Lol


    THIS!!! I'm on pelvic rest which kind of makes it worse since I can't actually relieve myself (or my poor DH).  I seriously can't look at the guy that runs the print shop I send most of my work to anymore without blushing.  Embarrassed It's getting embarrassing . . .

    I'm on pelvic rest as well. I don't remember the dream from last night, but I remember I was excited and aroused at one point in the night. lol Apparently it's our bodies telling us we need to let off some steam! lol
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    My dr asked me this week how much longer I was planning on working...I looked at her kind of blankly and just said "I guess until you tell me I can't"...I was secretly hoping she would say "ok, you can't" ... no such luck....

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    I gave my boobs a little squeeze the other day just to see if anything would come out.  Not expecting it at all, I got a couple teeny tiny drops of colostrum and it totally creeped me out.  Like I got nauseous and had to lay down for a minute Embarrassed  Now I'm thinking how the heck am I going to BF??

    mine wierded me out too!

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    My baby shower is Sunday and only 2 things have been purchased off my Target Registry, and 0 items off my BRU registry. I am thinking we are about to get a crap load of clothes. I'm grateful but annoyed because when I told everyone we weren't registering, so many people talk me into registering (guests), but doesn't look like it even matters.

    More than half of your guests probably won't even purchase your gift until Sunday, right before they go to your shower. I bet half of the people who DO purchase off your registry also don't know that they need to have the registry scanned during check out so that it gets checked off as purchased. So, seriously, don't worry.

    I agree that this happened to us - and that Target and BRU were both great about taking back items even without gift receipts so that we would have store credit to purchase the things we actually need. I appreciated everyone's thoughtfulness and took time writing long, personal thank you notes, but we decided we didn't need over 100 baby washcloths (no exaggeration) and ONLY NB clothes and might actually use things like a tub and crib sheets more!


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    I'm so sad/pissed (stupid hormones). I sent DH a b-day hint earlier today and was soo excited about the item. He just wrote back that my only gift for a while will be LO. I think he was kidding but I am really hurt anyway. If he doesnt want to buy the d@mn thing, then fine. I just didn't expect LO to be my only "gift" for anything in the next year. And now, I'm crying at my desk like some sort of nutjob:-(
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    My FFFCs -

    This will probably make me sound completely selfish, but I really don't get when people buy an outfit or accesory for the baby and give it to their SO as a gift. For example, buying a baby onesie for the Dad for Father's Day. It may be super cute, but it's more of a gift for Baby than your husband then, right? I bought the baby a Pink Floyd onesie because my Sweetheart loves them, but I bought it for the Baby, not mu husband. I feel like so many things are going to revolve around the baby from now on; even if it's baby-related (i.e. a book or Dad t-shrt), I'd rather get my husband something *he* can use rather than something else for the baby.

    I also am not a fan of using your child's picture as your avatar on facebook (when it is only the child; I get posting a picture of you *with* the kid). I get it - your child is adorable (and most of the  pictures really *are* adorable), but it isn't the child's page. I made my husband promise to pinch me if I ever make my avatar of our kid (unless I am in the picture, too).


    Book-Kitten blog



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    1.  I sort of lost interest and got bored with The Bump for a while so I haven't posted much in a couple months...but now that we are getting closer to our EDDs I'm interested again and enjoy that things are getting a little more entertaining (ie: more disagreements and discussions) these days.

    2.  I haven't done anything at work all day.  I found out I passed the bar exam today so I treated myself to 1. not working, 2. a Snickers bar and smoothie after lunch, and 3. some new clothes and a Kindle at the mall across the street. 

    3.  I am enjoying every minute of being the "center of attention" right now.  In May I am having two showers, a graduation party, and a "swearing in" (state bar) dinner with my family.  My H is so attentive and helpful and does so much of the housework.  My parents have been coming to visit on weekends to help us with some remodeling.  It is fantastic! I'm soaking it up ladies because I know that soon my little boy will steal my thunder LOL!

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    My FFFC:

    I think it's really dumb and ridiculous when I read posts about women "disliking"/"being worried" about their weight.  You're pregnant, what did you honestly expect?  You're going to gain weight and it's not that big of a deal.  You're growing a baby, that's a big freaking deal, and your weight should be the last thing on your mind.

    (The exception to this being women who have had serious weight problems before, have GD, or are being monitored by their doc/mw, etc)

    Tongue Tied. Yep, I'm done now.

    after a successful induction Yuri-Anne was born 5/30/11!
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    1.  I sort of lost interest and got bored with The Bump for a while so I haven't posted much in a couple months...but now that we are getting closer to our EDDs I'm interested again and enjoy that things are getting a little more entertaining (ie: more disagreements and discussions) these days.

    2.  I haven't done anything at work all day.  I found out I passed the bar exam today so I treated myself to 1. not working, 2. a Snickers bar and smoothie after lunch, and 3. some new clothes and a Kindle at the mall across the street. 

    3.  I am enjoying every minute of being the "center of attention" right now.  In May I am having two showers, a graduation party, and a "swearing in" (state bar) dinner with my family.  My H is so attentive and helpful and does so much of the housework.  My parents have been coming to visit on weekends to help us with some remodeling.  It is fantastic! I'm soaking it up ladies because I know that soon my little boy will steal my thunder LOL!


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