Lots of naked time, and if you're using something other than water to wipe, try using just water for a while. How old is LO and what kind of diapers are you using?
How old is LO and what kind of diapers are you using?
LO is 3 months old. She was in a thirsties duo diaper last night. She pooped overnight (which she almost never does) and slept for 10 hours. The worst of the rash seems to be where the PUL was touching her legs. That part the skin is rubbed raw and its seeping. poor thing. Wondering if she cant do the PUL and fab fitteds might be a better option.
Re: holy diaper rash
Our pedi recommended great stuff to use, its clearing up LO's rash super quick! Were currently using sposies though, for the same reason.
Let me know if you're interested in trying and I can write the names for you (don't remember them off the top of my head).
LO is 3 months old. She was in a thirsties duo diaper last night. She pooped overnight (which she almost never does) and slept for 10 hours. The worst of the rash seems to be where the PUL was touching her legs. That part the skin is rubbed raw and its seeping. poor thing. Wondering if she cant do the PUL and fab fitteds might be a better option.