
S/O: is there anyone here who actually doubts Obama's citizenship?!!

I just find this whole "birther" thing to be so unbelievable; I would really like to hear from anyone who has doubts exactly WHY, and have they ever had concerns about any other presidents' citizenship.  

Re: S/O: is there anyone here who actually doubts Obama's citizenship?!!

  • Oh, how I wish he wasn't, maybe it was just hopeful thinking from the birthers!

    Why? I don't mean this rudely (AT ALL), his name and his ethnicity.  Disclaimer:  that's the honesty, although I don't like him doesn't mean I am racist toward him!

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  • imageshopgirl78:

    Why? I don't mean this rudely (AT ALL), his name and his ethnicity.  Disclaimer:  that's the honesty, althought I don't like him doesn't mean I am racist toward him!

    Oh no, that doesnt' make you racist AT ALL.... (????!!!!) 

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  • I'd make this a clicky poll. I guarantee there are several here who doubt it but won't answer.
  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    Why? I don't mean this rudely (AT ALL), his name and his ethnicity.  Disclaimer:  that's the honesty, althought I don't like him doesn't mean I am racist toward him!

    Oh no, that doesnt' make you racist AT ALL.... (????!!!!) 

    Sorry, that is not my perspective but rather why I think others would question his citizenship. 

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  • I think shopgirl is saying that is the reason why some are questioning it, not that she thinks that.
    Mom to DD#1 December '06, DD#2 Feb '09 and DS March '12
  • imageshopgirl78:

    Why? I don't mean this rudely (AT ALL), his name and his ethnicity.  Disclaimer:  that's the honesty, althought I don't like him doesn't mean I am racist toward him!

    Oh no, that doesnt' make you racist AT ALL.... (????!!!!) 

    Sorry, that is not my perspective but rather why I think others would question his citizenship. 

    Oh, I see.  I guess that's my point; I can't see a legitimate reason to question his citizenship.  Every argument I've heard has been based in "I'm not a racist, but....."  

  • No, I've never doubted it... never really pondered it, actually.

    My guess is that it was wishful thinking for those who don't like him as our president and would love to find something that would disqualify him (if there were, for whatever reason, any doubt about GWB's citizenship, wouldn't you be hopeful that it were true?!).  His having a non American born father and spending some of his youth living in another country is probably what made it seem somewhat plausible in some people's eyes. 

  • I've also questioned this and am bothered that so much time has been spent on this issue. I do not remember another president being questioned about his birth.
  • ghm, I have been trying to make it a clicky poll, but for some reason its not working for me.  I have no doubt is user-error.  LOL
  • I think there are a lot of people out there that doubt it. Personally, it wouldn't even occur to me to question it. Isn't the vetting process for this sort of thing so thorough that we would have heard about it long ago if he wasn't (I mean, from someone intelligent and important, not from Donald Trump)
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • Don't you think he had to show his birth certificate to run or be sworn in as president? I mean, if we have to show our birth certificates to register our kids for kindergarten, you think the President would have to show it to become President! Obsessing over this just seems like SUCH a stupid waste of time.
  • FloF9FloF9 member
    No I personally never doubted it.  I actually find it disturbing that they have made such a circus out of it.  I think it's racist - prior to this, I don't think they've ever questioned a candidate.  His name put people in an uproar - that he was Muslim, that this was the end of America as we know it....very alarmist and McArthurish if you ask me. 
  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    Why? I don't mean this rudely (AT ALL), his name and his ethnicity.  Disclaimer:  that's the honesty, althought I don't like him doesn't mean I am racist toward him!

    Oh no, that doesnt' make you racist AT ALL.... (????!!!!) 

    I won't speculate how she meant her comment but I would say that is exactly why people feel that way, I am not one of them luckily!

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    Why? I don't mean this rudely (AT ALL), his name and his ethnicity.  Disclaimer:  that's the honesty, althought I don't like him doesn't mean I am racist toward him!

    Oh no, that doesnt' make you racist AT ALL.... (????!!!!) 

    Sorry, that is not my perspective but rather why I think others would question his citizenship. 

    Oh, I see.  I guess that's my point; I can't see a legitimate reason to question his citizenship.  Every argument I've heard has been based in "I'm not a racist, but....."  

    Well, it's never going to be LEGITIMATE to you - racist or not, people are questioning it because of his name, his heritage, his parents past experiences in other countries, etc.

    I mean, I don't think it's that much of a stretch to understand why people are questioning it (whether you agree with it or not).

    This post is obnoxious's like this "Oh, I'm so far from a racist that I can't even comprehend why someone would wonder if BARACK OBAMA was a US born citizen.  I mean, no other president has been questioned before."

    And just FTR, before you start snapping off at the mouth that this post makes ME a racist...I'm not.  I'm confident in that. 

  • I love bolding a word AND misspelling it....really drives home my point!  LOL
  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    Why? I don't mean this rudely (AT ALL), his name and his ethnicity.  Disclaimer:  that's the honesty, althought I don't like him doesn't mean I am racist toward him!

    Oh no, that doesnt' make you racist AT ALL.... (????!!!!) 

    Sorry, that is not my perspective but rather why I think others would question his citizenship. 

    Oh, I see.  I guess that's my point; I can't see a legitimate reason to question his citizenship.  Every argument I've heard has been based in "I'm not a racist, but....."  

    I didn't say it was a valid perspective!!  It's just what I think other people think.  Middle Amercia is alot different than California---who has the reputation of breeding crazy, liberal propagada around these parts.  

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  • Jodi I love you and agree with you 100%. This post and post like them scream look at me and how much better and more accepting I am then you!
  • One of dd's friend's mom has doubts.  We only spoke once, about 3 weeks ago, and she couldn't really defend her position at all.  I kept explaining why Donald Trump was full of sh!t but all she would say is, "I'm not saying he isn't a citizen, I'm saying I just don't know."  In other words, it didn't matter what kind of proof there was, she refused to accept that the black man with the funny name is legally, legitimately her president.
  • imageAndrewsgal:
    Jodi I love you and agree with you 100%. This post and post like them scream look at me and how much better and more accepting I am then you!
    Well, I fully do believe I'm better (in this particular regard) than anyone foolish enough to believe or espouse this birther nonsense. I'm comfortable with that superiority complex :)
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