How do you all cope? I will have 2 under 2 in December. I am a busy professional, and my husband and my schedules are complete opposites! I just want to know if you have any tips on how to deal with two babies (like during bathtime, feedings, bedtime, at the grocery store). Thanks!
Re: Tips on how to deal with two under two?
Bath: I fill up tub (just a few inches) and then I put water in the baby tub. I put DD1 in the tub with her toys, while undressing #2 in the bathroom. I was #2 quickly and then dry her off, put on some lotion, and get her dressed (all done in the bathroom). At that point #1 has had plenty of time to play, so I wash her quickly. Then I take both girls to #1's room to finish getting her ready. If I'm extra tired at the end of the day, I will bathe them in the morning. Both girls have sensitive skin, so I only wash them every other day.
Feedings: One of our larger 2u2 purchases, was a big, upholstered glider/recliner. DD1 can sit next to me and we can read a book or sing songs, while I feed the baby. DD1 is pretty independent, so the majority of the time she doesn't mind me feeding the baby. If she does meltdown, I turn on the TV for her.
Bedtime: If it's not a bath night, DD1 doesn't require much work. Just a quick face washing, brushing of teeth, and some pjs. Sometimes #2, is cranky in the evening. I'll either give her to DH, make DH put DD1 to bed, or have DD2 in a bouncer in DD1's room (if DH isn't home). I get DD2 ready for bed after DD1 is asleep. Eventually their bedtimes will be the same, but right now DD2 goes to sleep later.
Grocery store: DD2 loves the Ergo, so I wear her and put DD1 in the cart. DD1 has the shorter attention span for grocery shopping than the baby. I bring #1 a snack and also try to get a cart that is fun for her (has steering wheels). I plan 6 meals for the week, so that helps me make a detailed list of what I need. That way I only have to go to the grocery store once per week and I am not stressed in the store wondering what the heck I'm going to make for dinner that week.
I love having the girls close in age. There are times, when it's a little crazy, but it's totally worth it.
This was very helpful....thank you!!
Our family blog
Yes, it is very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to respond!!!!
Some things that have helped:
Ditto the PP who said the oversized recliner for feeding baby is key. Next to mine, I keep snacks, toys for DS, sippy cups, books, etc so if he wants attention/needs something while I'm feeding baby, I can do it while I feed LO at the same time.
Babyproof like crazy. You wont be able to pay the same amount of attention to your oldest one, so you want to be sure they're safe.
Prep everything at nighttime or early in the morning. Before we go to bed, I have both kids clothes laid out for the next day with a diaper. I keep a diaper changing station in every room we frequently spend time in so it's easier to get them both changed quickly-like if your toddler does a big poop 5 minutes into the baby's 40 minute feeding.
I also prep my toddler's meals and DD's bottles in the mornings or during naptime. Without fail, both kids wake up at the exact same moment hungry, and if I can get DS in his highchair with all his food prepped, he can easily feed himself while I give the baby a bottle and I don't have to listen to her cry for 10 minutes while I'm scrambling to get everything ready.
Read your oldest books and prepare him for baby's arrival. Try to curb bad habits like biting and hitting sooner than later. We practiced "nice nice" with the dogs where he would gently pet him, and he still pets DD gently on her head like she's a dog. LOL
Get a good baby carrier. Wearing the baby makes trips to the grocery store and holding a cranky baby while trying to entertain a toddler much, much easier.
In terms of bathtime, I've started bringing DS in the shower with me in the mornings. I scrub him, rinse him, then he plays with his bath toys while I finish my shower. It also buys me a much longer shower than before when I'd try to distract him with TV. Right now, I only bathe the baby 1-2xs a week (she has very bad dry skin and eczema), and I do it at nighttime when DH is home from work and entertaining DS.
Patience. Have them, use them and pray for more.
Try to do as much as a team as possible - though it sounds like that might be easier said then done.
Bathtime: Have all the stuff for baby #2 in the bathroom + bouncy chair. Wash baby #2 first, dry, diaper and clothe while #1 is playing. Set #2 in the bouncy chair while #1 washes/plays.
Feedings: Bouncy chair again until #2 can sit up in a high chair.
Bedtime: #1 watches Mickey Mouse while I put #2 down - then #1 and I snuggle with a book and then he goes down
Grocery store: If you can, wear #2 in a sling and put #1 in the cart as long as possible. Then #2 goes in the front and I look for the cart with the car or extra seat for #1.
It gets MUCH easier when the #2 is sitting up and requires less "stuff" to go places.
I freaked out and bought a minivan, 2 double strollers (both second hand) and TONS of stuff for #2. It was all unncessary. I have two double strollers in my garage I will never use because they are so big and bulky. I love my $65 Jeep umbrella stoller that folds up small and fits in my SUV (yes traded that van in too!)