Northern California Babies


So I went in this morning to have a final check to confirm my miscarriage.  The first thing my doctor let me know was that my hcg levels had gone from 23,000 on Sunday to 45,000 on Wednesday - like a normal pregnancy.  Then he told me that on my ultrasound on Tuesday they had seen what could have been a yolk sac unlike when it was just the gestational sac on Sunday.  We did an ultrasound and there was a heartbeat!!!  I couldn't believe it!  He said it looks good and probably about 140 beats per minute.  Based on my measurements I am 6 weeks 1 day which is kind of what I thought I was based on my very incomplete chart.  I'm due December 21st.  My next appointment is in 2 weeks.

Thank you so much for all your kind words yesterday they meant so much to me and I am so thankful to have this board. 

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