I am not pregnant yet but DH and I are talking about TTC soon so of course the topic of names came up. DD (13 months) is Addison Grace. We have a girl name picked out but we are having a much harder time agreeing on a boy name. The only name we can agree on is Hudson but my question is do you think it sounds bad to have 2 children with -son ending names? Thanks for your input!
My St. Patrick's day baby!

Re: Too matchy?
If they?re pronounced ?Hudson? and ?Addisin? or ?Hudsin? and ?Addison? that?s cool. But Hudson and Addison or Hudsin and Addisin would be a bit precious.
Contradictory to what I?ve just said, however, I?m in the ?Who the eff cares what your other kids are named?pick names that you like? boat.
My sister has an Allison and a Mason. I don't think it's too matchy.
Note to self... don't cut and paste from Outlook...
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14
I think its too matchy. I would try for another name. I know its hard finding a boy's name that both of you like. Good luck!
Oh you could try it for a mn...that would be better than as a first.
EDD- 06/13/2017
**Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
If you think it sounds too matchy, you shouldn't have to ask
I don't think it's too matchy unless you go on to have three other children named Allison, Jackson, and Emerson.
Honestly, I would be more concerned that I've heard of a lot of little girls named Hudson recently.