
Working Pregnant...When to stop

I apologize in advance if this question has been asked already.  I am wondering how long you worked for and why you stopped. 

I am 32 weeks pregnant and am still working, although my doctor wrote me down to part time.  I work at our citys Childrens Hospital in the ER.  I am a nurse, but have been doing light duty work for a while.  Right now, I just triage patients.  When I get up in the morning, I never want to go in, after a few hours I am usually feeling a little better.  Overall, I am just tired, with lots of aches and pains.  However, I have alot of guilt with not working anymore.  I know financially we would be ok, but I still feel bad about dipping into savings.

Then part of me feels like I just need to stop because I should take it easy while I can because I know the journey ahead will be far more intense.

Any suggestions would be great!

image image image We were blessed with Connor Benjamin and Charlotte Eleanor on May 15, 2011 at 34 weeks and 5 days. Both babies were healthy and came home with us from the hospital!!

Re: Working Pregnant...When to stop

  • I went out at 20 weeks due to severe hydronephrosis, but felt OK-ish otherwise.  By 28 weeks, though, I would have wanted out of work.  It hurt to even sit up all day at that point.  Kudos to you for making it 32+ weeks!  My vote is to take it easy and enjoy the remainder of your pregnancy without dealing with the extra aches and pains associated with going to work.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • I have a desk job so certainly nothing as strenuous as your job. I worked in the office until 32 weeks and then 2 weeks from home. The babies were born at 36 weeks. My opinion is that in these last few weeks - definitely take it easy. If it's not going to be a burden to you financially I would take it easy and be better safe than sorry. There really is no reason to push yourself and put you or the babies in jeopardy. You really should not feel guilty your primary job now is getting those babies to stay in as long as possible and give them the safest environment possible. Good luck!
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  • I had an office job and just left last week at 28 weeks and boy am I glad I did. It feels great to be home and just lay around when I am tired.

    But I also quit to be a sahm so maternity leave, etc. wasn't a factor in my decision to leave early.

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  • I work in research (also at a children's hospital) and will be 31 weeks tomorrow and I'm still working.  My doctor is leaving it up to me at this point, but I'm going to try and make it to 35 weeks.  My main motivation for working is I don't want my FMLA to start early and me get less than 10 weeks at home with the twins (I'll induce at 37 weeks).  We can afford for me to leave now, but it's really important to me to take as much time off as possible, plus we are on a wait list for daycare right now and there's no way a spot would be open if I left now and came back to work in mid-July.

    I'm the same way - in the morning I just don't want to go, but once I'm out I'm fine and my coworkers are pretty accommodating with me staying pretty stationary (although they all think I'm going to give birth like, tomorrow, which is annoying).

    I'm seen by my doctor every week now and wouldn't fight it at all if he saw a need for me to tap out, but until then I'm going to try and stick to working while still listening to my body.  I know there are ladies on the board that worked right up until their scheduled c-section/induction/delivery.
  • imageKristen61607:

    I had an office job and just left last week at 28 weeks and boy am I glad I did. It feels great to be home and just lay around when I am tired.

    But I also quit to be a sahm so maternity leave, etc. wasn't a factor in my decision to leave early.

    Ditto this. I was 30 weeks pregnant when I left.
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  • I work in an office, although I was up and about a lot throughout the day.  I reduced to 6 hours/day at 29 weeks, and then after a BP spike at 31 weeks, I was given the option by my OB to work from home or go out on leave.  I decided to work from home for 2 more weeks, going out completely at 33 weeks.  My initial goal was to make it to 34 weeks, but I am really glad I am home now and can rest when I need it. Good Luck with your decision.
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  • I worked at my office job full-time till the day before I delivered (37w5d). My MFM didn't see a reason to write me out, so I just kept plugging along. I won't lie and say it was easy, but I don't think I would have been much more comfortable at home. I was very grateful that my preganancy went so well and I was able to keep them in for as long as I did. 

    (Of course, the next day I ended up with pre-E and an emergency C, but that had nothing to do with me working!) 

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  • I'm currently 33 weeks and still working. I work at a desk job as well, but I just make sure that I get up and walk around from time to time. I plan on continuing to work for another 3-4 weeks until my boys are here!!
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  • I'm a lawyer, but transactional in a corporate general counsel, so desk job.  I worked until 32 weeks.  I completely planned to work until 34 or 35 weeks but had to go on bedrest (at home, modified) as my cervix wasn't holding up.  So, 32 weeks, then 1 week from home, delivered at 36w2d.

    Do what you can but don't count on working until the last day, LOs may have different plans!

  • First of all- way to go! 32 weeks is great!

    I started working from home 3 days a week at 31 weeks or so, and then went on bedrest when I was 35 weeks.   The work from home really helped extend things- if I had been at work full time I don't think I would have made it as long as I did .  I delivered at 37w4d

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  • I am a teacher and I worked up to 34 weeks.  Two days after I stopped I was too uncomfortable to sleep, so I think it was the right time for me, but up until then it wasn't too bad.  I teach high school, so they were understanding and I tried to sit whenever I could the last couple wks.  32wks is great though!


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  • If I recall there are several nurses here and they stopped earlier then most since they are constantly on their feet (this may not be true for all nurses though, just what I recall from reading here in the past)

    I work from home at a desk so never on my feet, I worked up until the day before my scheduled C.

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  • My last day of work was a Friday and i went into labor the very next morning (Saturday @7 am) i was 36 weeks and 3 days........

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