Cloth Diapering

Trying to decide b/w cloth and disposables-HELP

Ok, I know I have a long way to go until I actually use either but I am so torn between if I want to use cloth or disposables.  My Mom used cloth diapers on me and she loved it, she only used disposables when we traveled.  There are so many options now with cloth diapers and frankly it just makes more sense to use them because they can be used multiple times.  BUT, a friend mentioned this point to me, that many daycares will not want to change cloth diapers.  So what pros and cons have you experienced?  I really need help!
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Re: Trying to decide b/w cloth and disposables-HELP

  • Well, your friend is wrong, there are many dcps that will use cloth diapers.  You might have to look a tad bit harder for them, but they are out there.
  • Around here, many DCPs are fine with CD's. The theme I heard when checking was they only use diapers that require no pre-assembly, use velcro closures, and that they ask you take them home each night (duh). So either AIO's or pre-stuffed pockets will fit those requirements.  A bit more expensive than prefolds, but still far cheaper than disposables, especially if you plan on having more kids in the future.

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  • Honestly, I love my CD's and so does DH.  The only "con" for me so far is that they are bulky and you may need to go up a size in pants and onesies.  One big "pro", and I know this is a bit superficial, is I like to shop and it's a lot more fun to buy CD's than disposables:)  Plus, there are no midnight trips to the store because we're out of diapers, it's really nice to have one less thing to worry about picking up.

    As a con, some people have had issues with ammonia stink and yeast rash.  However, I feel like there is a lot of great information on this board for how to combat such problems.  We haven't had any trouble yet:)

  • I think that you will be able to find a daycare that will use them.  Even if you can't, you can still cloth diaper on the weekends and evenings.  This is what I originally thought I would do since I work full time and bring DD to work with me.  It turns out though, that CDing is so easy and I love it so much, I wanted to CD full time. 

    I have never regretted my decision to switch once.  I agree with pp that pockets or AIOs with velcro will probably be best for daycare.  Good luck in your decision.

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  • I do both. We use disposables over night.

    I have just recently gotten really into CD this past month. I think it's a lot of fun and DS looks so cute in them. 

    I do think CD is more expensive (the dipes plus the water bill). However, I really enjoy doing it, so I am! 

    I heard that about daycare too but after looking, some do CD!

    I have a nanny, so this isn't an issue for us. 


  • imagePunkyBooster:

    I do think CD is more expensive (the dipes plus the water bill).

    Only initially for the diapers.  It's cheaper in the long run, especially because you can sell off your stash.  I haven't had an increase in my water bill at all.  Most of the ladies on this board haven't either.

  • GHBEAGHBEA member
    Initially the price was for our CD's.  We have to buy different detergent for the CD's.  We don't have a water bill so I'm not sure what others pay "extra".  I wouldn't have it any other way now.
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  • Pretty sure everyone on this board is going to answer CLOTH for the cloth vs. disposable I will leave that alone.


    Assuming you are using "easy" diapers - AIOs/pre-stuffed pockets with velcro, I really can't understand why a DCP would say NO to cloth.  Especially since it's no more work for them and LESS trash their business has to dispose of.  I'm guessing if a provider was unsure you could always remind them of that.


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  • Look up cloth diapering laws for your state.  Some states do have stipulations with CDs.  If a DCP flat out tells you they cannot use them, ask for documentation as to where the law states they cannot use them.

    I do know that military DCPs will not use them (though maybe you could get around this with a doctor's note that LO is allergic to disposables?).

    Our water and electric have remained pretty steady, even though we are running the dishwasher more often, an extra bath for LO, more clothes to wash, diapers, etc.


    BabyFetus Ticker
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