My husband has finally said he likes a name....Leif. At first I was kinda skeptical, but after his other suggestions (Jer, Daen, Thor and even Ragnaroc!) I think this is something I can work with. He even agreed to the middle name I like, Miloh, so I think it might be something I can handle. But is Leif too out there for a first name? Our last name is Rowan.
Re: Leif?
My first instinct was not a fan but when you said your last name it grew on me..
Leif Rowan don't really like Miloh at all but I am never really concerned about the MN as you rarely tell most people your MN anyway
I know someone my age named Leif and he pronouces it like Life.
my first instict would be to pronouce it like Lay-f
I kind of like it.
I went to school with a guy named Leif (pronounced Lay-f). Only substitute teachers would call him "leaf" until he corrected them.
I was at a baby shower about a year ago and kept calling a little boy Leif (lay-f) only to have his mom say "you are saying it is "leaf"...."
I love then name Leif for a boy, but I would never pronounce it "leaf"....
Its not my style but I don't see anything wrong with it. Its still a nice name.
I always thought it was pronounced "Leaf". I actually much prefer that to "lay-f". But either way I like it very much!
My husband was in a bad accident, and his surgeon's name was Leif and pronounced "Life"... interesting!