Do any of you have experience with this?
I was thinking of getting one for baby #2 so it will be easier to hold baby2 when it needs comforted (my daughter loved to be held) but still have my hands free to do things around the house or play with my daughter.
They look very comfy and not as awkward as the backpack like carriers. I had one of those for my daughter but I didn't like the way it felt.
I've heard a lot of good things about the Ergo carrier as well but that looks just like the backpack one I have. I realize I would need that for when the baby get heavier but for the first few months I thought the Moby would do just fine.
Re: Moby wrap
This exactly. I found the moby to be really hot and it was a big pain to try to put on in public, the long fabric was always dragging the ground. The Ktan is much more user friendly and very similar to the moby. The only disadvantage I can see is that the Ktan comes sized, so you and DH can't share it.
I can't say enough to praise the Moby wrap. I didn't get one (didn't know about them) until my first baby was a couple of months old, and I regret not having it earlier! With baby #2 coming, I can't wait to wear baby so I can be hands-on with DS#1.
I love that the Moby is adjustable, so as your shape changes, it keeps fitting. I love that you can loan it out and know that it will fit. I love that there are so many different ways to wear it. Best $40 you can spend, IMHO!