I'm having a hard time balancing everything. Being a mom of 2, keeping up the house, cooking cleaning, errands, being a good wife, me time etc (you get the point). I'm a SAHM and really seem to struggle, even with help from DH.
Thought maybe someone has read a good book that's helped them.
Re: Can anyone recommend a book.......
I don't know of a good book!! But I couldn't agree with you more.
For me I have serioulsly limited my time on the computer! 30mins in the morning while sipping coffee...quick check 15mins at the begin/end of nap time and then relaxing at night.
I also make numerous to do lists.
I like to cross things off... even the every day chores...laundry, sweep kitchen flooretc.
Then I plan my errands around our schedules...usually Monday Wed & Thurs. since we don't have play groups or dance on those days.
I meal plan for a week and grocery shop 1x (sometimes I need produce and milk which is easily picked up at Trader Joes or something.
Good Luck! Being a SAHM is hard... and I kind of lost a year somewhere... no I tend to manage my time much like I would if I was working. Helps!
I also get up and dressed and kids to 98% of the time! Makes a difference!