2nd Trimester

cute ideas to reveal gender wanted

So going down to the in laws for mothers day.  This is their first grandchild and they are over the moon that we are FINALLY expecting.  We found out the gender this past Sunday but they don't know yet.  So when we go down to their house in a few weeks we want to let them know in a creative way.  Any ideas. 

Thanks Ladies

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Re: cute ideas to reveal gender wanted

  • To reveal my twin daughters' gender, I was living abroad so couldn't do it in person but sent my ILs and my parents cupcakes (a friend of mine ran a cupcake business). It was a big box with giant bow and inside were a dozen mini cupcakes (strawberry cake with strawberry frosting) and pink edible glitter. The tag enclosed read "Tinkled Pink! Surprise, it's twin girls!"

    A friend of mine did something similar in person with her family--they brought over a small cake (gender neutral colors on the outside) but when they sliced into it, it was blue layers of icing and cake for her baby boy. 


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker,Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I revealed the gender to my mom in her birthday card. She didn't know that I was finding out the gender yet, so I suprised her by putting a copy of the sonogram (the gender pic, saying "girl") inside her card. Then I wrote "congrats grandma, it's a girl!" She loved it!

    You could put a copy of your sonogram picture inside a Mother's Day card and write down the gender inside along with a congrats.

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  • My family usually gets together every Sunday for a few hours just to catch up and what not. I'm doing the completely overdone gender surprise cake. For my friends, however, I'm putting up a picture of the ultrasound saying "Please meet Maxwell Alexander (last name)!!"
    February 19, 2010- BFP! March 14, 2010- M/C January 17, 2011- BFP! April 26th, 2011- It's a boy! Due September 20, 2011 May 2, 2011- Confirmed Gastroschisis August 7, 2011- Labor begins August 12, 2011- Max is born October 4, 2011- Max comes home!

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  • We decorated cupcakes and spelled "boy". We just acted like we brought dessert. It was cute! Not sure how we are going to do it this time around ;) can't wait!
  • a client of mine told me about this: a lot of bakeries are doing a cake with completely white icing, and the cake itself is colored pink or blue. you can't tell what it is until you cut into it. i wish i was surprised that way :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • You avatar picture is what we gave to my parents and inlaws.  I took a picture of the sonogram and at Target you can put borders and words on the picture... we put a pink and green border with big letters (in pink) saying IT'S A GIRL!. We framed it and gave it to our parents... they were thrilled, it's a surprise and something that they can keep.
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  • We are doing this - https://poppytalk.blogspot.com/2010/04/happy-hippity-hop.html.  It's a little labor intensive (we did 12 total) but was a fun craft to do together.  Our little notes say Our little hatchling is a ... (we haven't had our scan yet so we have everything all set and ready to go as soon as we find out Saturday).
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