Argh- I miss spending time on here! Things have been going crazy here! The open house for the studio is this week-end! And my babies turn 1 next week-end!
I cannot believe all the changes the last year has brought!
I am so exhausted! I am still working my regular job while we get the studio opened and it is so tiring! Also- my morning show gig that was supposed to be monthly segments has been WEEKLY! zzzzzzzzz
I hope everyone is doing well and all the new mommies are enjoying their little ones!
Leigh- I read your posts- what an ass. I don't stand for that crap, not one bit. I hope that the outcome is what's best for you and your family. Lots of hugs to you!
Re: Hey Ladies!
please, please, please
Have a great opening, and congrats!
Can't believe they're going to be 1 so soon. Slow down, time!
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Good to hear from you!
Hope you have a great opening!!