how did you like her? I've gone through a million books and need a few new ones to read. People recommend her to me, but I have nagging feeling I won't enjoy her writing style. I think it's the names of her books (which is horrible to judge a book on, I know this)
Would you characterize her as Jennifer Weiner funny: irreverent and finds a joke in most things
Or self-conscious with her writing style? As in, tries to be irreverent and witty but comes off a bitter, pompous and caustic?
Did that make sense?
Re: if you've read Jen Lancaster
I think she's hilarious. I've only read her first 3 books.
She went to Purdue, LOL, so I love her.
I think she's hysterical. She's not as witty as Jennifer Weiner, IMO, but I think she's really funny. She's self-depricating but not to the point where I was like "just shut UP already."
I read the one centered around weight loss first and loved it. If you've ever struggled with your weight, you'd definitely relate.
I think I have one or two of the books on kindle if you want me to see if I can loan them. At least if you hated them they wouldn't have cost you anything.
thanks guys.
Mamarazzi--I'd love to take you up on that but I have a Nook. boo. I'll see if they have it in the library though, maybe I'll take it out as a loaner.
If you want a sense of her writing style, you can always check out her blog.
I love her. I think she's hilarious. I think I'm in eclairs' camp, though. Part of the reason I love her is because she went to Purdue :-)
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
My friend told me to read her stuff. I started with Bitter is the New Black and can't say I was totally impressed. I would like to try another one in case I was missing something because my friend just loves her books.
I hate, hate HATED Bitter is the New Black, and it was exactly for the reasons you're concerned about. I thought she was trying WAY too hard and just came off as pathetic, lame and whiny rather than self-deprecating and funny. She was nowhere near as clever as she seemed to think she was, IMO. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I found her super annoying.