I FINALLY posted some pictures etc. on FB
I hope to share a video link on here but not sure just yet. I know when I was going through the process I LOVED the videos of people's adoption journeys. And I think it's an amazing story and an amazing journey.
Re: FB update
We aren't friends yet on FB are we? I would love to see the pictures!
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. Welcome to mommyhood!!
We can be friends! I posted updates on the Adoption FB page, are you on that one? If so you will see my stuff, just friend me from there with your bump name.
Beautiful beautiful video!!
She's Forever Ours! Finaliaztion-12.26.12
the FB page is private, so it can't be linked. If you want an invite PM me the email address that you use for FB
: )