

Thanks for the encouragement. These girls are actually my easiest babies so far. It hasn't really been rough. I hear ya on the 2-3 loads. I went on a girls trip last weekend which means no laundry got done for three days, I'm just now recovering!

 Fun to see that you're having another. Everyone assumes that we're done, but we're not! 

Re: *sfshawna*

  • Yeah, laundry is my domain, so when I'm gone it doesn't get done either. I'm totally OCD about it, though, and hate to get behind.

    People were pretty surprised when we announced this pregnancy too. They assumed we were done. Five (or more) kids is not for everyone, but we always knew we wanted a big family. It's not common in our area, where three kids is rare enough, nevermind four or five. It's nice to "meet" other families here with four or more :)

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    Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

  • Haven't been here in forever, but had to say hi to another 4u4 mama! : )  (They aren't pictured below, but we have boys who are now almost 5 and 2.5. Our girls are 15 months.) We also may not be done... not quite sure yet... which I imagine means we're not ; )  I'll wait and see what Shawna has to say about having 5!

    I read your blog post and you sound so organized!  We keep changing our "system" of doing things as the kids get older, but I wish I was more creative about organization.   

    Anyway, hang in there!  It's the most fun kind of craziness : )

    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
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  • I didn't feel done 9 months pg with twins, I don't feel done now. I'm thinking, I'm not done.

    Mama - I also run a business from home, I have to be organized!! I'm going to be doing a post every Monday on how we stay organized(different things we do). 


  • Hi Crystal! :) I thought you'd given up bumping for Lent maybe :)

    I'll keep you posted how five kids ends up working out ;). I also did not feel done at 9 months pregnant with twins. And, as special as it is to carry, deliver, and parent twins, I'm looking forward to the one-on-one time I'll have again with a singleton. It may be our last, and it will be sweeter to have my last newborn experience be not so harried and stressed...ideally ;)

    And, Tchdog, please tell me you have at least some childcare. If you're running a business out of your home without any extra help, I feel like a total slacker!! And, I'm also jealous of your weekly date night!!

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    Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

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