So now that I'm moving the baby to cloth, I'm thinking it would be great to have my 4 year old in cloth too. She is potty trained but not at night. She currently wears night time pullups to bed (huggies 3T-4T) and its pretty heavy in the morning.
Anyone have a good replacement recomendation?
Re: Night time pullup type recs please
Super undies work pretty well for Olivia (she's four as well). We have the ones for night time, but I'm thinking of trying the day ones, for night as well.
When we first got them, she ran around the house yelling Super Undies. It was funny.
lol. thats adorable. How many pairs did you get? and how did you find the sizing?
4 losses (cp Feb 28 09, mc April 9 09 (5w5d), mc Aug 10 09 (7w1d), d&c Apr 12 10 (grew to 6w3d, mc confirmed at 8w5d). RX: Overies PCOS (hormones normal) & Balanced Translocation of Ch. 7 & 13 (40-50% mc risk)
Cooking Blog
Have you tried her in underwear? My DD (she'll be 4 in June) also woke up with a heavy diaper every morning... but I just decided to try her in underwear one night a few months ago, and she's done great with it. Yes, she's wet the bed a few times, but she does wake up dry 90% of the time. I usually take her to the potty before I go to bed -- she doesn't actually wake up, but she does pee most nights. She's now getting better at waking herself up if she has to go in the middle of the night.
Before she switched to underwear, she wore either a Kawaii heavy duty pocket or a BG 4.0 one size pocket (NOT 3.0's -- she outgrew those) to bed. They fit her fine, and once she stopped needing them, I was able to put them straight into DS's stash.
Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)