DH's cousin named her little girl Kennedy Scout. Personally, I adore it. Her 5 year-old chose the mn. I think it's just a cool sounding name; she's a darling baby, and it fits her well. However, most of the family hates it. It's not necessarily a name I would use myself, but I don't see why the rest of the family is all bent out of shape about it.
WDYT? Like or dislike?
Re: Thoughts on this one?
DD#1 is 3! And LO#2 is on his/her way! Due Feb 26th, 2014.
BFP#1: EDD 5/7/2010 born on 5/20/2010. A little girl named Emily.
BFP#2: m/c 10/29/2012 EDD was 6/21/2012 Baby Hope was 6 weeks 3 days.
BFP#3: Twin B stopped growing at 8 weeks and 5 days. Found on 8/10/2014. EDD was 2/26/2014. Twin A is still doing great and due date is 2/26/14.
I agree!
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kennedy is okay.
dislike scout.
Same here.
Cute for someone else's child.
I love Scout as a mn.
Its a very strong name but one that could easily be confused as either a boy or girl name. I personally do not like last names as first names and Kennedy is more of a last name than a first in my opinion. But, its their child and if they are happy with it then that's all that matters.
This. Also, the rest of the family needs to chill out.