
Ugh. . .I think I am done.

I have mastitis. . .again.  That means antibiotics once a month for the last 3 months.  I have been exclusively pumping since Jan but think I am done with it.  I love that I can provide food for DS but I think I am ready to have my body back.  I feel guilty though.  I hate to spend $$ on formula when I am making so much on my own.  However, I am tired of the time commitment.  Love not having AF but hate the granny bras.  I wish this decision would just be made for me like it was with DD (majory surgery so had to stop at around 3 months).

No flames please.  I already feel like sh*t for just considering stopping.  Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated though.

Re: Ugh. . .I think I am done.

  • No flames from me!

    If you think you are done and you are okay with it than that is the decision that is for you. Just because someone makes the decision for their family to EP for 12 months + then that's the decision for them.

    But if getting an infection once a month, making you miserable isn't working for your family and it would be better for you to switch to formula than that's what is best for your family.

  • Anyone who gives you crap about stopping is an ass.  You have done all you can.  There is nothing to feel guilty about--at all.

    FWIW: I was only able to nurse DD for 2 weeks. 

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  • Mastitis is the WORST!  I had it with DD#1 and was seriously, seriously ill.  No judging here--I would probably quit after the third instance as well.  I hope you feel better soon!
    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
  • I had the same feeling when I was done.  I had been forcing it for the last 2 months, had a lot of reasons to be done but still felt badly.  It was still a good decision and I'm just now getting my body back to myself (there were other things going on as well.)  Your feelings won't be as strong in a few weeks.  You know you're ready to stop.
  • I only ever had clogged ducts, no mastitis, but holy god the clogged ducts were enough to make me cry. ?I hear you on the guilt about quitting, the $ for formula, etc. ?With DD I pushed through the bleeding nipples and 45min feedings (she was tonguetied, I was told she was just a lazy eater. ?I know better now). ?I should have quit, I'd have been so much happier. ?I was a miserable, MISERABLE person.

    If it will make you dread feedings less, I'll buy the formula FOR you LOL ?Do what you have to do, either way the kid gets fed, right? ?*hugs* ?

  • I also EP'd for 6 months. I.was.done. I had mastitis once, but got clogged ducts every 7-10 days. Typically after my duct would release, I'd get 2 oz just from that. Ga-ross and effing painful. Seriously, Kirkland is $17/can. That's not even one dinner out a week. And the baby will start solids. Do not ever feel guilty for stopping!
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • You've done a great job and gone above and beyond.  Once the nursing/pumping is ruining your mothering's time to stop.  

    The only advice I have is that you can dry up your supply with Sudafed. Best of luck, and hope the infection clears quickly.   

  • Anyone who exclusively pumps gets hats off from me.  The pump is what eventually ended my breastfeeding when  I realized that I was spending time on the pump at the expense of spending time with my LO.


    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • I've been there - I EPd for my twins for 7 long months, had mastitis once, and felt guilty every time I considered stopping.  It helped me to set small goals - I can do this for one more day, I can do this until friday, etc. - but then I also realized it didn't need to be all or nothing.  Maybe you can curb your guilt a little by still pumping once or twice a day and giving some formula and some breastmilk?  Taper off your pumping gradually anyway or you'll get clogs and mastitis again.  I had success with cutting out a pumping session and making the next one an hour or so earlier, until the engorgement from that skipped one went away, then working on another one. 
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • My kids were exclusively formula fed, they are healthy and happy and very attached to their Mommy.  Do what is best for you.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • Dude, if anyone flames you I will take them on!!

    Anyone who exclusively pumps gets a hats off from me.  I only pumped once a day and I wanted to throw the damn thing against the wall!! Your DS has had 5 months of booby milk, that is way more than many kids get. Do not feel guilty about wanting to stop.

    Also remember it does not have to be all or nothing.  Maybe cut back a pumping session every few days and use formula instead.  You may find that doing half and half works for you.  I did this with my current baby.  I was feeling overwhelmed with breastfeeding and ready to quit at 5 months but feeling guilty about it.  My DH said why not just give him formula once or twice a day.  For some reason that never occured to me, I was thinking it had to be all or nothing.  I have been doing 2 bottles and 3 nursing sessions a day for months now, works well for me.

    Bottom line- a sane, happy mommy if worth way more to a baby than breastmilk!!

    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • Do what is best for you. There's no need to feel guilty. I don't know if I could EP. I dread pumping at work. I'm counting down the days until I can stop pumping.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • imagerebs:

    Also remember it does not have to be all or nothing.  Maybe cut back a pumping session every few days and use formula instead.  You may find that doing half and half works for you.  I did this with my current baby.  I was feeling overwhelmed with breastfeeding and ready to quit at 5 months but feeling guilty about it.  My DH said why not just give him formula once or twice a day.  For some reason that never occured to me, I was thinking it had to be all or nothing.  I have been doing 2 bottles and 3 nursing sessions a day for months now, works well for me.

    Absolutely. If you decide to stop nursing a gradual process might be easier on your body than going cold-turkey, especially since you're so prone to mastitis (which I had once and I was MISERABLE so you have my utmost sympathy.) 

    Good luck. 

  • No flames from me, you nursed for 5 months which is awesome.  Nursing is hard and whoever says otherwise is not telling the truth.  It is hard enough to be pregnant for 9 months and then take care of a newborn and on top of that, have to supply 100% of the babies food.  I know it is a hard decision to make.  I nursed DD#1 for 3 months and then did a mix of nursing and formula when I went back to work until 6 months when I moved to all formula.  With DD#2, she never took to nursing.  She was very fussy, had bad reflux and just did not like it.  We tried hard to 2 weeks and then I decided to pump and give her the milk in a bottle but it was just too much for me.  My kids are 21 months apart and DD#1 was in a very needy mom phase and I felt like I was never sleeping even if DH would wake up to give the bottle of milk, I still had to pump.  Plus, pumping hurt for me - even with the 1st it was not a great thing for me.  I struggled and felt very guilty but in the end, it was the best thing for all of us.  A happy mommy really helps get to the happy family.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • imagefirefightersgal:

    Anyone who gives you crap about stopping is an ass.  


    I EP'd for nearly 6m with dd.  thank god she started nursing b/c she would not swallow formula for anything!  would suck, and then scream drooling it out.   I never had mastitis but I hear it's a b1t Ch!   you did what you could do.  no grief.  let it go and be pain free.   

  • I got lots of plugged ducts and the LC recommended Lecithin (I believe was the name) since it has been shown to help sometimes with that situation.  Not sure if that would also help cut down on the mastitis too.  Good luck!
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