Baby Names


Apparently clicky's don't work with Internet Explorer, so this will have to do.

DH suggested Madelyn Quinn (which I have tentatively agreed to, as noted in my sig)

My mother suggested Madelyn Grace (which seems like a filler mn to me, but it does sound nice)

Which do you prefer? Or is there something nicer out there to go with Madelyn?

Oh, and I'm not changing the spelling, so please don't press that issue.



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Re: Madelyn...?

  • I dislike Quinn on a girl intensely. It sounds bizarre, masculine, and dirty. Its current popularity is baffling to me. I suppose it's because of that Glee girl?

    I think Grace is overused as a middle name. 

    Isn't there a name that has a special meaning to you, your partner, or your family? 

  • imageAllie30:

    I dislike Quinn on a girl intensely. It sounds bizarre, masculine, and dirty. Its current popularity is baffling to me. I suppose it's because of that Glee girl?

    I think Grace is overused as a middle name. 

    Isn't there a name that has a special meaning to you, your partner, or your family? 

    Not particularly. I know that honoring family members is pretty common on this board, but it's just not my style. I'd prefer my baby to have her own name. It's a great sentiment and I'm not knocking those who name after others, but it's just not me.

    The only Quinn I've ever know was a female, so I guess I don't look at it as masculine, but thanks for the feedback!

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  • Christine was my middle choice if we go with Madelyn. 

    Other choices: Madelyn Rose; Madelyn Jayne  (Maddie Jayne sounds cute);  Madelyn Faith 

  • I know three babies named Madelyn Grace, but I do like it.  Madelyn Quinn is cute too.   I prefer one-syllable mn's with longer names.  Hmmm...

    Madelyn Jade

    Madelyn Kate

    Madelyn Paige

    Madelyn Faith

    Madelyn Eve

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagepunknprncss:

    Christine was my middle choice if we go with Madelyn. 

    Other choices: Madelyn Rose; Madelyn Jayne  (Maddie Jayne sounds cute);  Madelyn Faith 

    I love Madelyn Jane! Good suggestions! I'll have to run these by DH. Thanks!

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  • I personally like Madelyn Quinn, which I think sounds very Irish.

    I don't even mind the Madelyn spelling. I actually prefer Madalyn, but for some reason do NOT like the tradition Madeline. I think because to me that says LINE wiht a long I sound and I prefer the softer lyn sound.

    Single Mother by Choice. Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own. IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187 1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!! Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema. Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d My IVF Journey
  • i like them both but i like Madelyn Grace a little more. other middle names i like are:

    Ava, Faith, Skye, Nicole, Olivia & Paige. GL :)

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  • I really like the name Quinn for a girl, but Madelyn Quinn is kinda too rhyme-y for my style. I like:

    Madelyn Elise

    Madelyn Leigh

    Madelyn Elizabeth

    Madelyn Rose

    Madelyn Rae

    Madelyn Mae

    Madelyn Jayne

    Madelyn Marie

    Madelyn Sienna

    Madelyn Victoria

    Madelyn Reese

  • Madelyn Quinn No, Madelyn Grace Yes
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  • imageMelleTX:

    I personally like Madelyn Quinn, which I think sounds very Irish.

    I don't even mind the Madelyn spelling. I actually prefer Madalyn, but for some reason do NOT like the tradition Madeline. I think because to me that says LINE wiht a long I sound and I prefer the softer lyn sound.

    This is exactly why we chose this spelling! I don't want her to constantly have to correct people on pronunciation. I am automatically inclined to say "mad/ah/LINE" when I see Madeline.

    Thank you all for the suggestions- I'll definitely be discussing some of these with my DH!

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  • I'm also going with the fn Madeleine (same pronunciation)


    The poll link in my siggy is my current list of middle name contenders. 

    The Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with One Step.

    1998 Ovarian Cancer Survivor. 7 Miscarriages: 6w, 13w2d, 4w2d, 7w4d (DD's twin), 5w. Failed Tubal after c/s (!!): 5w2d, 6w4d

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  • We'll probably name this little on Madelyn if its a girl.  Middle name contenders are Christine and Theresa after our sisters.  Mary or Anne after our grandmothers and moms (his mom's name is Ann and my mom and sister's middle names are both Ann).  I know you didn't want family names but I just wanted to mention some options.  We also like Jane or Kate as middle names. 
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  • imagePeridotEyes:

    I'm also going with the fn Madeleine (same pronunciation)


    That's actually the traditional spelling, not sure why a pp thinks it is Madeline-- it isn't.

    We love this name, but I refuse to use it because of spelling =P

    I dislike Madeline Quinn.  If my only other choice is Grace, then I would go with that, but I think you can do better with some thought - I like the Jane suggestion.

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  • imagePeridotEyes:

    I'm also going with the fn Madeleine (same pronunciation)


    The poll link in my siggy is my current list of middle name contenders. 

    My daughters are genevieve and madelyn anne
  • Our DD's name is Madelyn Elaine.
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