
Schedule for 15-18 month olds

DDs are 15 months old (13 months adjusted).  When I have my summer break from teaching, they will be 17 months old.  I'm wondering what a "typical" schedule might look like for them once summer comes...I have summer on the brain Big Smile They wake up anytime between 6-7am and go to bed at 7pm.  My girls currently take 2 naps a day but I thinking that maybe they will be ready for 1 in the next month or so.  What is/was your nap/meal schedule for 15-18 months old?
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Re: Schedule for 15-18 month olds

  • Ours are also 15 months (13 months adjusted), here is their daily schedule (times can vary by a half an hour depending on the day):

    6:30am -wake up

    7am -breakfast

    9:30am -snack

    11:30am -lunch

    12-2pm -nap

    2:30pm -snack 

    5pm -dinner

    6:30pm -bath/jammies/books

    7:30am -bedtime

    The in-between times either playtime, go for a walk, or run errands. If we do anything fun outside of the house it's between 9-11:30am most days, some days we will go after nap.

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  • My DDs are 17 months. Below is their *normal* schedule (for the past 2 weeks, they've had crazy early mornings but hoping that this phase is soon over!):


    7 am- breakfast

    Around 9 or so, they'll have a snack after some play time or before we go to the Y for Child Watch or library, etc.

    12 pm- lunch

    1230-230- nap

    Again, a snack around 4/ 430 after some play time or if we're coming back from a walk or running errands

    6 pm- dinner

    Read books, play time after dinner

    7 pm-bath

    7:30/745- bed time

    In between the meals outlined, it's usually free play (they're into wooden 5-6 piece puzzles, books, they love anything with music, play kitchen, etc. We almost always get out a few times a day: library, walk, ride in the radio flyer, go to the grocery store/mall/Target, play dates, etc....



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  • We're trying to transition to one nap right now. Our new schedule:

    7am -wake up, diapers, nurse, get dressed

    8am -breakfast

    9:30am -snack

    11:30am -lunch

    12-2pm -nap

    3pm -snack 

    5:30pm -dinner

    6:00pm -bath or walk outside, books, nursing

    6:30pm -bedtime


    Their two nap schedule:

    7am -wake up, diapers, nurse, get dressed

    8am -breakfast

    9:30-10:30am -nap #1

    10:30am -snack

    12:30pm - lunch

    1:30-2:30pm - nap #2

    3pm -snack 

    5:30pm -dinner

    6:00pm -bath or walk outside, books, nursing

    7pm -bedtime

  • We just switched to one nap this past week and it is going great! They go to bed a lot easier now! Anyway, here is our typical schedule!!

    7:00- wake up

    8:00- breakfast

    10:00-snack (if they are interested)

    12:30- lunch

    1:00-3:00- nap( give or take 30 minutes)

    3:30- snack

    5:30-6:00- dinner

    7:15-7:30- when we start getting them ready for bed while they read/play with books

    8:00- bedtime

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  • My girls are 15 months-

    7:45- Wake up & sippy with milk

    8:30- Breakfast

    11:00- Nap

    1:00- Wake up from nap & lunch

    3:00- Snack

    5:30- Dinner

    7:30- Bath

    7:45- Bedtime

     We usually do scheduled things in the early afternoon and go on our walks, ect... Since your girls get up earlier/go to bed earlier I would think they would take their nap right after lunch. Enjoy your summer with them! :)



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  • Mine are just about 15 months.  We're still working on moving that nap back so we can do lunch first (and transitioning to sippies for milk).

    6:30 am:  wake up & bottle

    8:30 am:   breakfast

    10:00 am:  snack (if interested)

    11:00 am:  nap (1.5-3 hours)

    1:00 pm:  lunch

    2:30 pm:  bottle (we could drop this one and sometimes do)

    4:00 pm:  snack

    6:00 pm:  dinner

    6:30 pm:  bottle

    7:00 pm:  bed


    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • Thank you ladies!!  I am hoping to do some summer activites but not sure of the timing.  Hopefully I can get them on a "summer" schedule sooner than later so I can sign up.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Notes:
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