DDs are 15 months old (13 months adjusted). When I have my summer break from teaching, they will be 17 months old. I'm wondering what a "typical" schedule might look like for them once summer comes...I have summer on the brain

They wake up anytime between 6-7am and go to bed at 7pm. My girls currently take 2 naps a day but I thinking that maybe they will be ready for 1 in the next month or so. What is/was your nap/meal schedule for 15-18 months old?
Re: Schedule for 15-18 month olds
Ours are also 15 months (13 months adjusted), here is their daily schedule (times can vary by a half an hour depending on the day):
6:30am -wake up
7am -breakfast
9:30am -snack
11:30am -lunch
12-2pm -nap
2:30pm -snack
5pm -dinner
6:30pm -bath/jammies/books
7:30am -bedtime
The in-between times either playtime, go for a walk, or run errands. If we do anything fun outside of the house it's between 9-11:30am most days, some days we will go after nap.
My DDs are 17 months. Below is their *normal* schedule (for the past 2 weeks, they've had crazy early mornings but hoping that this phase is soon over!):
7 am- breakfast
Around 9 or so, they'll have a snack after some play time or before we go to the Y for Child Watch or library, etc.
12 pm- lunch
1230-230- nap
Again, a snack around 4/ 430 after some play time or if we're coming back from a walk or running errands
6 pm- dinner
Read books, play time after dinner
7 pm-bath
7:30/745- bed time
In between the meals outlined, it's usually free play (they're into wooden 5-6 piece puzzles, books, they love anything with music, play kitchen, etc. We almost always get out a few times a day: library, walk, ride in the radio flyer, go to the grocery store/mall/Target, play dates, etc....
We're trying to transition to one nap right now. Our new schedule:
7am -wake up, diapers, nurse, get dressed
8am -breakfast
9:30am -snack
11:30am -lunch
12-2pm -nap
3pm -snack
5:30pm -dinner
6:00pm -bath or walk outside, books, nursing
6:30pm -bedtime
Their two nap schedule:
7am -wake up, diapers, nurse, get dressed
8am -breakfast
9:30-10:30am -nap #1
10:30am -snack
12:30pm - lunch
1:30-2:30pm - nap #2
3pm -snack
5:30pm -dinner
6:00pm -bath or walk outside, books, nursing
7pm -bedtime
We just switched to one nap this past week and it is going great! They go to bed a lot easier now! Anyway, here is our typical schedule!!
7:00- wake up
8:00- breakfast
10:00-snack (if they are interested)
12:30- lunch
1:00-3:00- nap( give or take 30 minutes)
3:30- snack
5:30-6:00- dinner
7:15-7:30- when we start getting them ready for bed while they read/play with books
8:00- bedtime
My girls are 15 months-
7:45- Wake up & sippy with milk
8:30- Breakfast
11:00- Nap
1:00- Wake up from nap & lunch
3:00- Snack
5:30- Dinner
7:30- Bath
7:45- Bedtime
We usually do scheduled things in the early afternoon and go on our walks, ect... Since your girls get up earlier/go to bed earlier I would think they would take their nap right after lunch. Enjoy your summer with them!
Mine are just about 15 months. We're still working on moving that nap back so we can do lunch first (and transitioning to sippies for milk).
6:30 am: wake up & bottle
8:30 am: breakfast
10:00 am: snack (if interested)
11:00 am: nap (1.5-3 hours)
1:00 pm: lunch
2:30 pm: bottle (we could drop this one and sometimes do)
4:00 pm: snack
6:00 pm: dinner
6:30 pm: bottle
7:00 pm: bed
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!