
Helmet users

Hi Ladies-

 Just wondering if your dr has recommended them to you or you have demanded they get one? My DS has somewhat of a flat spot in the back that DH and i have been concerned about. 2 dr's at our practice have advised us everytime we go that it's not that bad & it should round out on it's own. They have told me that if they sent me to see whoever measures them for it they prob would advise he didn't need one. It's flat on one side only and has been like this basically since birth. We keep him off his head as much as possible.

How bad is/was your childs & what should i be looking for? I asked the dr when its too late for one and they said around 10mos. i don't go back until 8 mos.



Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: Helmet users

  • I am taking my baby A tomorrow for a consult. I will say that the first time I said something to my pedi he said don't worry about it. The second time I said I was worried he really looked at it and said he has some rotation? of his ears you can really see it when looking from the back or top. I am pretty sure he will have one. If you are worried keep on the doc and get a referral!
    Wonderful daughter born 10/99. Diagnosed autistic/ epileptic. Non- verbal. /////Twins! Born 11/10 @ 29 weeks. 71/2 week NICU stay! Bring on the fun!
  • We're helmet-bound for one baby.  Our consult is in a week and a half, but he clearly needs one.  He has torticollis, and I wish I'd been more proactive about insisting on physical therapy, but didn't really know any better..  We'll have Baby B evaluated - they are 4 months old.  Cranial Technologies does head evals for free, if there is one near you.

    eta: there is a timeframe  - after 18months, its too late, I know you have plenty of time, but just important to know...

    IVF w/ ICSI #2 - fraternal twins born December 2010 at 36 weeks.
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  • My Baby A needed one too.  Her head looked like the family in The Coneheads.  Her doctor was initially not concerned then concerned and then happy we got a helmet.  Cranial Tech was about 4K and Hanger Orthotics was $2500.  My insurance covered Hanger and we had a $400 copay.
    Married and it feels so good! Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We are being fitted for a helmet this week actually.

    Abby did have an inward dent in her head when born. We are correcting that as well as plagio and tort. She is being evaulated by a physical therapist tomorrow morning and then fitted for the helmet on Friday. Most babies are helmeted between 5-6 months of age.

    If you really want to see the specialist, just ask your pedi for the referral if you need on. If you don't need a referral for a specialist, just make the appointment.

    I mentioned to my pedi at 2 months that I was concerned with her head. By 3 months, nothing was changing with everything we were doing to correct it. Just last week we saw the specialist and he said it was a severe case. I just called my pedi and said I was still having concerns. She told me to bring her in.

    The best way to tell is to look down at your child's head. Also look at the ears and symmetry.

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Katie: 1/16/08 2lbs. 15oz.
    Abby & Emily: 12/31/10 6lbs. 2oz. & 5lbs. 7oz.
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