We adopted our DS from Louisiana on Feb 18th, a few days after he was born. The father was known, but his whereabouts were not. BM heard that he had moved to a particular city, but no info beyond that. It is now 2 months later and the birth father rights have still not been terminated. As far as I know, the add has not even been posted in the paper yet. When I call our lawyer he tells me that he cannot put pressure on the courts or it will make things worse. This is what I also heard about ICPC and why it took us so long (3 1/2 weeks). Does this seem strange? I know that I'm simplifying the process a bit, but it seems to me that my entire life is resting on some person posted an add in the paper and the fact that if I may question the fact that this seems to be taking a long time, my file is sent to the bottom of the pile - this just seems so wrong. Any thoughts? Is this just common? The very fact that there is a tiny, tiny chance that someone could threaten this adoption is enough to make my head spin. I would not be capable of giving him up. I guess I should start looking into real estate in Mexico, just in case
Re: 2 months later and birth father rights have still not been terminated
How frustrating!!!!
I am curious... how did you connect w/this lawyer? I'd be furious. Perhaps I am wrong but it seems like he is not helping the situation.
By chance is this in Baton Rouge?
I could have written this.
They contacted DD's BF, but he wanted nothing to do with anything, and refused to sign any paperwork. We had to wait 4 months before they could use a clause in state law to start TPR proceedings, and still have to serve him with papers so he knew there was a court date. The court finally terminated after 6 months.
Hang in there
We had a very similiar situation....waiting and waiting to try to post or find or do SOMETHING to get birth father notified. It is just awful waiting.
It turns out there was far more to our situation than anyone realized...so not the same situation as yours from that point out...
But I am sending hopes and prayers for you for speedy next steps and progress that you will soon be able to have everything resolved for you and your family!
Hang in there....people are a good support
We will keep thoughts and prayers coming!!
I will pray that they are able to get the paper work done soon and ocean front property in mexico is not needed
Stay positive and believe with ALL your heart this is going to work out!
DD was born Feb 8 and BF has not been located to terminate his rights either. We do have a court date though for finalization and from what we understand, ours is being published in the paper currently. Our agency hired a PI to find BF, but when our attorney tried to serve him the papers of our court date, they were unable to, so they started publishing.
I hope it all works out very soon for you!