You will love it! Pay the extra $ to get good seats--it makes a difference. I have seen Phantom of the Opera (my fave--a love story, but with a mystery). I have also seen Jersey Boys which was good if you like singing to the oldies. Wicked was good too. Its about the Witches frim the Wizard of Oz. If you are going w dh, I would say go to Phantom or Jersey Boys. They kept dh attention more so than Wicked! Have fun :-)
My friend from growing up is playing the understudy to Christine in Phantom so for that reason alone I'd recommend it plus it's an amazing musical that everyone should see once. I LOVED Wicked. A friend and I bought ridiculously priced scalped tickets and honestly they were worth every penny. It was that good. If you are looking to save money and aren't picky about what you see then go to the TKTS booth in Times Square or South Street Seaport. They have discounted day of tickets. I've done this many times and have had great luck. Have fun!
Re: Have you ever seen a Broadway show?