Some postulated on the Goodmamas page that there's no way Suz would allow diapers to linger, so she'll yank them after a bit to make it look like they've sold out if people aren't buying.
Thoughts? I tend to agree. I think there are a couple today that will be really unpopular and I just can't see her allowing them to stay up forever. Gotta make us think they're selling like hotcakes!
Re: New GM conspiracy theory
Bar tab = $156,000, Bus to Foxwoods = $0, Puking in the Stanley Cup = Priceless
I think the only one that will actually go fast today is the Navy diaper, and good for those mamas! Otherwise, I'm just not that impressed.
It's definitely cyclical. We're hitting the bottom of the GM circle, demand is going down, so people won't spend $$$ on a diaper. And I am SO done paying double shipping for stalking help, why can't she allow you to put another address in via paypal or such? It's ridiculous!
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.
This to both quotes! How does she not know how much fabric she has to make x amount of diapers, I would imagine it is way easier to cut all the fabric at once when she receives it to make a batch of those diapers so she MUST know how many she will yield at this point.....this isn't her first rodeo!
This. I'm actually getting rid of all of ours except the cocoa skulls. DH hates the GMs and loves the BGs.
It would make sense to me. The longer a diaper stays up, the less likely I am to buy it. I think I get irritated if I'm waiting for something else and the slow print is holding things up.
I agree with lrachelle. I'd love to be able to order pre-made ones. It's not like she'd have trouble selling them.
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