Cloth Diapering

First stomach bug in cloth :-(

Do you all do anything different as far as the wash routine?  I am going to wash every day until this passes.  Poor thing has had 5 BMs today and each one is getting worse! 
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Re: First stomach bug in cloth :-(

  • We had something similar about a week ago. We just broke down and used disposables. It was getting to be to much and I just wanted to get her changed and cleaned up as quickly as possible. It passed pretty quickly so hope yours does too.
  • imagesmchik:
    We had something similar about a week ago. We just broke down and used disposables. It was getting to be to much and I just wanted to get her changed and cleaned up as quickly as possible. It passed pretty quickly so hope yours does too.

    Thanks... we are going out of town this weekend.  If it's not over by then I am definitely taking disposables!  I am so glad that I get to be home tomorrow.

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