DD was born small - very skinny and long. She doubled her weight in two months and is now ~12 lbs and 23 inches. It feels like she is going to outgrow her stash, which has a lot of OS dipes, fast.
RaRs (which I know have a low rise) are completely unsnapped, as are her Thirsties Duo Fab Fitteds. BGs and Best Bottoms are still snapped. Her TT fits great, MSs need a little more chunk in her legs to fit perfectly but they work.
Does their height growth slow down eventually? Or is she just weird? I feel like her stash won't make it to PL.
Re: Is my child weird?
As long as the BGs still fit, that's all I care! I know she might outgrow the RaRs, because they aren't as high of a rise (that's why I only bought a few). But I've invested a lot in my BGs!
Her doctor is surprised that she's put on so much weight but not astounded by her growth or anything.
I know! I'm just shocked, I literally just bought these for her! Then she got her yeast rash (had worn them maybe once) so she was in sposies for a couple of weeks and when she went back in CDs this week everything had to be adjusted!