Cloth Diapering

End of my first trimester!! I need to start my stash!! Help!

Alright, I think it is time to start building my stash. I have definitely decided to go with CDs and I am super excited about the journey. I don't care what anyone says! I think it is the smartest thing to do and you ladies have made it seem possible. It really doesn't seem like it will be that difficult. Thinking about a disposable blowout pretty much seals the deal for me to CD. So, first of all, I need some help figuring out how to start my stash.

I know I am going to get prefolds because these just seem like the staple of CDing. I am either going to get DiaperRites from Diaper Junction or GMDs. I have also thought about Imagine Smart fits. GMDs are obviously the more expensive, but if they are really that much better, I guess I'm ok with spending the $$. So, please tell me, which one would you go with?

Also, what about contours? I watched something on Youtube about them last night. They seem like they are more absorbent than prefolds, thoughts? They are about half the price of a fitted, is this correct? You can't buy these in packs like you can prefolds, right?

What covers would you start out with? I am going to be getting more of course as the months go on, but what is your favorite for a newborn? Which has prevented leaks the best and which do you like best for overnight?

 Any insight/help is awesome!!

kaylinsig1tubbab1 Lilypie First Birthday tickers image

Compromise and Balance are key. JH.

Re: End of my first trimester!! I need to start my stash!! Help!

  • If you haven't checked out the brand reviews in the FAQs, I highly recommend :)

    I've only heard of GMD prefolds. You might want to see if you can get some used to save some $.

    I have never used contours, sorry I can't help.

    I wouldn't worry about overnight options for a newborn. They're up every 2 hours or so anyway. We used a combination of whisper wraps and Thirsties covers. If I had known what I know now, I would have done more wool.


  • Prefolds - I bought a dozen each of several different types of prefolds and liked them all at different times. 

    Covers - For the newborn stage we used pro-wrap covers and Thirsties xs and Thirsties Duo size 1.  We definitely preferred the Thirsties, but pro-wraps got the job done and were less pricey.  You may want to try a mix of aplix and snaps to see which you like best.  If you're using prefolds be sure to get a cover with inner leg gussets.

    Overnight - we didn't really need a heavy duty "overnight" option early on.  However, we did have a couple Thirsties Duo pockets which we double stuffed for a long car ride, and when J started sleeping 4+ hours I was glad I had them.

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  • I would actually recommend doing a diaper trial.  I know several companies have them.  I had used a cover with the boy a nannied and they worked great so I bought a bunch of them and then found out they didn't work as well for my LO.  Now I have them for all sizes and wish that I didn't!  I know Jillian's Drawers and Nicki's diapers both have a trial.  I would do this for both newborn and size 1 infant.  It is so different diapering a newborn from an infant.  I bought prefolds from Jillian's drawers (I believe) and they work fine.  I think as long as the prefolds have the same number of layers that they are all about the same.  I think you're smart for using prefolds.  They are very economical!  We started out with Proraps, and thirstie covers.  It took my LO a bit to grow into each.  Next time I have a baby I'd love to try blueberries.  On their website they have a mini version.  I love their normal one size cover.  I also wouldn't worry about overnight for a little bit.  When the time comes I'd give several options a try.  I currentlly use BG4.0s for nightime.  I like them although I'm not too happy with the microfiber.  They seem to keep in stench.  I would really like to try fitteds.  In otherwords, knowing what I know now, I would wait until the baby comes and then do a trial.  I also did disposables for the first few weeks which was wonderful.  Those first few weeks were so hard.  I planned on cloth diapering from the start but it was so hard to fit in time to eat and shower that I just couldn't manage it at all.  Don't be like me and get to nesting and waste money on things you don't like.  Take your time and wait until you can try stuff on your adorable LO.
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