Alright, I think it is time to start building my stash. I have definitely decided to go with CDs and I am super excited about the journey. I don't care what anyone says! I think it is the smartest thing to do and you ladies have made it seem possible. It really doesn't seem like it will be that difficult. Thinking about a disposable blowout pretty much seals the deal for me to CD. So, first of all, I need some help figuring out how to start my stash.
I know I am going to get prefolds because these just seem like the staple of CDing. I am either going to get DiaperRites from Diaper Junction or GMDs. I have also thought about Imagine Smart fits. GMDs are obviously the more expensive, but if they are really that much better, I guess I'm ok with spending the $$. So, please tell me, which one would you go with?
Also, what about contours? I watched something on Youtube about them last night. They seem like they are more absorbent than prefolds, thoughts? They are about half the price of a fitted, is this correct? You can't buy these in packs like you can prefolds, right?
What covers would you start out with? I am going to be getting more of course as the months go on, but what is your favorite for a newborn? Which has prevented leaks the best and which do you like best for overnight?
Any insight/help is awesome!!
Re: End of my first trimester!! I need to start my stash!! Help!
If you haven't checked out the brand reviews in the FAQs, I highly recommend
I've only heard of GMD prefolds. You might want to see if you can get some used to save some $.
I have never used contours, sorry I can't help.
I wouldn't worry about overnight options for a newborn. They're up every 2 hours or so anyway. We used a combination of whisper wraps and Thirsties covers. If I had known what I know now, I would have done more wool.
Prefolds - I bought a dozen each of several different types of prefolds and liked them all at different times.
Covers - For the newborn stage we used pro-wrap covers and Thirsties xs and Thirsties Duo size 1. We definitely preferred the Thirsties, but pro-wraps got the job done and were less pricey. You may want to try a mix of aplix and snaps to see which you like best. If you're using prefolds be sure to get a cover with inner leg gussets.
Overnight - we didn't really need a heavy duty "overnight" option early on. However, we did have a couple Thirsties Duo pockets which we double stuffed for a long car ride, and when J started sleeping 4+ hours I was glad I had them.