Cloth Diapering

As promised - PIP



Her head is turned to the side, you can see the stitching, and she currently has pins for her eyes.  She's terrifying.  :oD 

Re: As promised - PIP

  • I was getting ready to page you for pictures of Stitches. Very nice!
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Don't take that on your next ghost hunt ;)

    Did you machine or hand sew? How big is she? 

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  • imagecdep1:

    Did you machine or hand sew? How big is she? 

    She's 19" head to toe.

    Her body, arms and head tube are machine stitched.  She's hand stitched to attach the head, body, and arms all together.  The top of her head to close the head tube is also hand stitched.  Eyes, mouth will be hand embroidered, and I'll have to hand sew on her "mat" of hair.

    I can see why these dolls cost so much, if they're all hand sewn like this. 

  • She's lovely.  Can't wait to see the finished results.  What color will you make her hair?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Check out this Bumpie Business List .

  • imagekissntell:

    She's lovely.  Can't wait to see the finished results.  What color will you make her hair?

    I have variegated pink/purple/blue yarn that I sewed initially, but I don't have enough for a second layer.  So I'm going to go back to my stash and find something.  As with fabric, I have a ton of (acrylic) yarn.

  • hahaha, I'm glad you said terrifying, bc that is what I was thinking but didn't know if that was offensive...of course I still can remember my doll nightmare from elementary school...very disturbing!

    I can't wait to see the finished product, though, and where you find the time?  I feel like such an underachiever!  ;)

    DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs;  cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama

  • I have a nearly-finished bear made out of recycled sweaters that I had to put in a drawer, because the pins in its eyes freaked out DH. Now I keep forgetting to finish it! If it was staring at me with its pin eyes I would definitely work on it.
    Lilypie - (8zJg)Lilypie - (Eu83)
  • She's lovely! Now, the real question is, are you going to keep this doll in your house? And is zb going to be allowed to play with it?
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  • Does she have a nose?  

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • Haha I like her. I really want to attempt one.  What pattern did you use?
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  • I think I'm going to give her to my niece, but I have to run her past my sister before I do.  (She has the same doll phobia that I do.)  If she says no, then I'll keep her and give her to ZB.

    Nope, she doesn't have a nose.  From what I can find, most "true" waldorf dolls have as little features as possible to let the child "use their imagination."  Personally, I was just too lazy to add one.

    Nikki, I didn't use a pattern.  I just looked at a bunch of online tutorials and went from there.  Specifically, THIS LINK was helpful.

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