Ok, so I have held it together (mostly) through 6 IUI's and a scary ectopic pregnancy -- and that's not counting holding it together through the miscarriage back in 2009 and then being really hyperthyroid sick for 4 months in early 2010. But the other day it hit me that this past Monday--April 18--was the due date for that 2009 pregnancy, and if that had gone well I would have been holding a 1-year-old's birthday party last weekend. And that thought, which I so wish I hadn't had but now I can't get rid of, has just made me so incredibly sad, on top of my FP arriving yesterday right on schedule. I know it's not over, we have another cycle to go naturally and then IVF in mid-May/June, and then even if that doesn't work there will be other options--including just trying naturally or doing more IUIs, especially since it now seems DH and I will be able to live together next year, which is fantastic--but I just am feeling like I carry this sadness at not getting successfully pregnant around with me all the time. I'm even starting to cry as I write this. I feel BAD. Good thing I see my therapist on Monday; I can't believe I didn't take the earlier appointment they offered me for this past Monday, but I didn't have the thought about the due date until that evening.
I need a drink, but I've been so good about avoiding alcohol (maybe 6 drinks, total, since mid-January) and I don't want to make a bad situation worse by wondering if I've ruined my eggs if I have a drink tonight. What do you think--should I just have a glass of wine? F-ck.
Thanks for listening.
Re: feeling really sad
Have the glass of wine. We all need a glass of wine every now and again. I say it's better than therapy any day!
I am sorry you are so very sad and I can sympathize. We all can. Hang in there. I believe it will happen for all of us in one way or another...it has to.
((((Coop)))) Sending you lots of hugs and prayers. I'm so sorry you are feeling that way. I definitely understand the weight of it, and am so sorry you are reexperiencing those emotions. I say enjoy the glass of wine, guilt free, and then get back on your healthy, no alcohol kick tomorrow. I'm glad you are seeing the therapist soon, and I hope you have some friends or healthy outlets over the weekend.
BTW, I didn't know you and your hubby were going to be able to be in the same place again. That is super exciting! Congrats!
3/11 Clomid-Ovidrel-IUI #1-progesterone= BFN.
5/11 Femara-Bravelle-Ovidrel-IUI#2-progesterone=BFN.
6/11 Femara-Ovidrel-IUI#3-progesterone=BFP!
Beta #1 7/1: 39. Beta #2 7/5: 301 U/S 7/19 - saw HB!!
EDD 3/12/12
DD born 3/5/12
Baby #2 Beta #1 12/16: 439. Beta #2 12/18: 1240
EDD 8/22/15
I am SO sorry. I am also having a rough night of IF woes, and just wanted to tell you I empathize with you. I hope you had that relaxing glass of wine. It's ok to do that, especially if it brings your stress level down. In my mind, stress is a worse toxin, but of course that is a personal decision.
I hope you feel better tomorrow. We will all get through this somehow...
me (36): Hypothyroid (on Levothroid), low vit. d, borderline/high fsh (day 3: between 7-10) (day 10: 13 during CCCT), AFC: 14
dh (31): awesome (minus one sample with agglutination)
Diagnosis:possible DOR and/or unexplained + elevated NK cells + MTHFR (C677T - one copy)
MAY 2011 - FEB 2012 - 3 injectable IUI's with numerous cancellations due to high TSH levels
MAY 2012 - onto IVF/ICSI (Antagonist Protocol) on BCP and Folgard (3 week delay - cyst - boooo) 5/21 start stims 5/30 ER 11R 8M 3F 6/2 3DT of 3 6/12 Beta #1 83 | 6/14 Beta #2 196 | 6/21 Beta #3 3818 | 6/28 Beta #4 22,213 | 7/2 1st U/S - 2 on board! 8/24 CVS reveals that we have a boy AND a girl on board!
Healthy baby boy and girl born in February, 2013 at 38 weeks and 2 days!
I am so sorry that you are feeling sad. I don't have any advice either but I'm wishing you well. I hope you had that glass of wine.
Me: 36, DH: 42
Dx: DOR and MFI
DH: low count + very low motility; hormones all normal; Sperm DNA Frag. test = poor to fair; male karyotyping normal
Me: FSH 13.4 + AMH 0.26 + hypothyroidism; Scratch the hypothyrodism (?); Blood clotting and immune panel all negative; endometrial biopsy normal
IVF #1 (MDLF - Jul/Aug 2011): BFN (9R, 5M, 3F with ICSI, 3dt of 1 10-cell grade 2, no frosties)
IVF #2 (EP-antagonist - Sep/Oct 2011): BFN (6R, 4M, 3F w/ ICSI, 3dt of 1 6-cell, 1 7-cell, grade 4s, no frosties)
DE IVF #1 (shared cycle - June 2012): c/p (6R, 6F w/ICSI, 3dt 1 8-cell grade A- and 1 7-cell grade A-; no frosties)
DE IVF #2 (shared cycle with new donor - Nov/Dec/ 2012): - BFP!!!!! 12/14/12. U/S on 12/27 shows twins!!!!!
TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
DE IVF #3 1/14 ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d
DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!
K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days