I've been on the ring succesfully since the twins were 3 months but I'm deathly afraid of pregnancy and I keep hearing people say they got pregnant on it even when using it accurately. So I think at this point an IUD is a smart move. I love the idea of a hormone free alternative. Any opinions on Paraguard?
Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09

Re: XP: Any feedback on Paragard?
I've had it for a year and I like it. It did take a little getting used to with the heavier periods. They're not that bad, but my previous method of BC was the pill, which made them pretty light in comparison. I think my body went through an adjustment period without the BCP hormones, because I did break out a little bit, which was annoying, but that seems to have leveled out. Insertion wasn't bad at all. No worse than a pap smear, and I didn't have any pain to speak of afterwards, either. Overall, I'd recommend it.
I had the Paragard in for over 1 year. I hated that my periods were so heavy and quite a bit longer. The main reason I had it taken out was because I realize I was anemic. After some testing a couple doctors confirmed that while it was in I'd continue to be anemic and have the problems persist that I was having. I also cramped quite badly with the Paragard.
However, I never get pregnant while using it. lol
I've had mine since oct '08. first few periods were heavier and crampier. most are lighter and regular. every now and then I have a crampy cycle and need motrin for a dose or two.
I had mine placed at day 3 of a period. called the day it started. took motrin before going in for the procedure. little crampy during, not bad. went back a month later to check placement... apparently most that fall out do so in the first cycle. I have no plans on removing it any time soon.
my ob recommended it b/c I had preeclampsia twice and it was suggested I avoid hormone based bc.