I threw out my back on Monday. Bent down to pick something up and my low back made the most horrific snapping/popping sound I have ever heard. The noise was followed by the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my life. Long story short, DH took me to the ER and fortunately they believe it is just a "soft tissue" injury, nothing with bones or discs. So oxycontin and valium are my friends right now. But I can barely function when taking them. But I also can't function when not taking them. So either way I'm f&^cked. I can't drive and I can't lift anything including my babies.

Oh, and I can't go to work which i will pay for dearly when I finally get back and have to get caught up. This sucks. I just want to cry.
Susie, mom to DS 4/10/07 and DD 3/6/09 (MC 9/05, 2/06)
Re: I have never been so miserable in my life - pity party for one please
I have seen a chiro for other issues in the past and I did talk to her. She agrees wtih what I was told and wants me to come in, but not until next week, hoping some of the swelling will subside by then. I also have the name of a ortho spine specialist if things are not significantly bettery by monday.
have you tried ice/heat?
hope you feel better!
Great! Hope you feel better.
The same thing happened to me a couple of months ago and I couldn't take any medication at all. I think the best thing I did was kept moving. As bad as it hurt, I just kept stretching my back. I got on the floor (which was so difficult to do and worse to get back up!) and just kept moving. I did ice and heat over and over. The next morning was the worse from not moving all night, but just try to keep moving.
I hope you're back to normal quickly!