My husband's family tradition for boys is the middle name Otis. It goes back at least 4 generations, so I don't really want to buck the trend, and I don't mind it as a middle name. We're not finding out the gender this time around, but since the rule would stick for the first boy anyway, we'll still need to decide eventually.
My problem is that the only name my husband and I agree on so far is either Max or Maximus. Does that have too much assonance with the ending "s" sounds? I feel like it clashes and just sounds weird.
Would Phillip Otis be better? Or I could just give up and go with David Otis (to make him a Jr.) and nickname him Otto.
Re: First name to go with MN Otis?
born March 2012
Definitely Phillip Otis. It sounds great together.
DS2 will be Otis Arthur. I've been calling him Otto-bot (like, from Transformers).
Thanks for your input! I do agree Maxwell sounds better with the MN, but my husband vetoed it, and it's not really my style. Actually the only other full name for Max that I did like was Magnus, but that has the same problem with the assonance, and then my husband said it was "fruity," and I can see what he means.
And I agree, I didn't want a junior, but I had picked out the names David and Claire a long time ago, then married a David Clary, so neither one works unless I want a Jr. or a "Claire Clary." I'm only a little bitter about it.
Phillip is another family name. It's not necessary we use it, but it's another one that I like and my husband can't exactly veto, since it's his grandfather's name.