Virginia Babies

scary news

went to the doctor today to have an u/s to check on the clots i have surrounding my uterus. I'm 17 wks 3rd child and never had this problem before. after the u/s was told that their still in there and if they don't heal themselves that they will deliver at 24wks...I'm so worried really don't want to have to do that think that i should get a second opinion...the baby is looking perfect and not being affected so why should we deliver so soon....confused/worried
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Re: scary news

  • Wow, I would be a bit worried too. Delivering at 24 does sounds extreme. Did they tell you how likely that was to happen? Do they usually heal by themselves? I would be asking a million questions right now.
  • I am so sorry!  I would def go get another opinion.

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  • their suppose to heal themselves but they just won't so she said if it doesn't by the time im 24 weeks which is in 7wks then they would have to deliver. She tried to tell me that the baby would be fine to deliver and I looked at her like she was crazy and stated what baby you know born at 24wks is fine. so I've definately been calling around

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