Two Under 2

How manageable will it be?

DS will be 18 mo's old when DD is born (due June 22). Just found out DH has to deploy not too long after that. I will probably get some help from family for the first few weeks, but seriously, I'm really starting to worry if I will be able to handle this while trying to heal from the delivery (last time was a lengthy healing time). I'm worried that I will be so tired I will not be able to watch the kids like I should. Just full of anxieties and don't really want to talk to anyone who wont' understand.

TIA ladies.

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Re: How manageable will it be?

  • my DS1 is 14 mo and DS2 is now 2 weeks. I have/had an easy physical recovery, ie no tears or cuts and vaginal delivery. However they tell you no lifting anything heavier than your baby. They are not talking about your baby at home.  I definitely felt it when I overdid it. (DS1 is30lb) If you anticipate a lengthy recovery again, I would suggest leaning on your support team as much as you canfor as long as you can to try to frontload your recovery.  The first week will be the worst.  And I've come to realize it won't be the same as when you brought your first LO home. It can't be but it will be ok and it will be good. I had a hard time at first because I felt like I was ignoring one or the other but you will develop a rythmn (sp?).  I have actually nursed one while holding the other for his bedtime bottle. And I had peace and love while doing it. Good luck to you!
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  • It's manageable. You just find ways around it. DS had many meals sitting in the living room since I didnt want to lift him to put him in the high chair. I let him continue to sleep in bed with me as opposed to putting him in a crib where I had to lift him out of/put him into. You'll do fine as long as you have help those first few weeks.


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  • I had no recovery to do but would definitely struggle if I had to care for both of them 100% of the time right now.  DD is constantly nursing so it's hard for me to be everywhere with DS, lol.  Family to help would be a necessity.  Not only for the physical act of trying to chase after DS but also to ease the mental chaos that would be sure to occur.
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