get it soaking in warm water with some detergent (hopefully you haven't dried it yet!) and go get some oxi clean. Make a paste and perhaps let that soak on there until dried, and then get the paste wet again and scrub with a toothbrush. The gritty texture of oxiclean really helps.
I've found the best luck with Oxi. I haven't tried zout, though. Another thing I read that has worked on 2 things for me now (strawberry stains and I think chocolate) was pouring boiling water over the stain. You stretch the fabric over a bowl, but with a little dip or else the boiling water may slide right toward your hands, and get a mug or whatever of boiling water and let it go through the fabric. I remember it being magic on the strawberry stains on a white shirt that nothing else worked with.
I use Zout, Fels Naptha and OxyClean. I usually start with Zout just because I'm lazy and it's the easiest thing to use. If that doesn't take it out, I scrub at the spot with Fels Naptha and rewash. If there's still a stain that's when I resort to OxyClean.
Soak overnight in the oxiclean powder. Definitely don't put it in the sun with stain remover on it. I've done that before and it left the white shirt I was trying to clean yellow and discolored.
Re: Best stain fighter?
ditto what ghm said. Also, I like zout a lot as a pre-wash treatment.
Wash and re-wash and definitely don't dry it! It may take a few washings for it to completely come out. good luck!
Fels Naptha soap is the best thing I've found for stains.
sorry I can't make things clicky.
Aiden 10.17.07 Emma 07.15.10
Hands down. ZOUT.
Thanks girls. It's soaking in OxyClean now.
My big shot didn't want to wear a bib at the restaurant tonight. Ugh.