Cloth Diapering

Using snappis with PFs...question :)

Hi Hi...Another newbie question. For you use Snappi's underneath a cover? My thoughts are that with a cover, snappis are not needed. In this case, why would you use snappi's with PFs, because don't they all require a cover? I'm confused.
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Compromise and Balance are key. JH.

Re: Using snappis with PFs...question :)

  • I had the same question a while back.  Originally I was just trifolding the prefold and laying it in the cover.  I was having a lot of issues with leaks.  I recently started using a snappi and these leaks are pretty much gone.  Some people can also get it so that poo does not leak out when snappied. (I am not this good yet.)  It creates a better fit for the prefold so that the cover doesn't have to work so hard.  Some people also use a snappi so that a kid can air out for a bit w/o a cover.  I am not this brave.
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  • We use prefolds with snappis, and then put a cover on top.  You'll need some sort of cover with prefolds because they're not waterproof (you can go coverless for a while at home and just change when damp, but if you want waterproof-ness, you'll need a cover).
    The reason to use snappis with the prefold and cover is because if you don't and LO poops, you're much more likely to wind up with poop on the cover.  We trifolded the prefolds and just laid them in the covers when DS was a newborn, and that worked, but we washed a lot of covers because they got dirty.  If you snappi the prefold, it will catch the poop a lot better, especially when you're talking about super-runny EBF newborn poop.  Also, the snappis can help decrease mess when you're trying to take a cover and diaper off a baby who's excited to be changed and is kicking and squirming.
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  • The snappi goes under the cover.  A snappi is not needed if you choose to trifold and just lay the diaper in the cover.  However this way you get a lot more poo on your cover and once baby is mobile the diaper won't stay in place very well without a snappi.  Don't feel bad about the question.  I know it can all be a bit confusing sometimes, but once you start to CD everything will become second nature!
  • Thank you so much! I sort of get it now...well at least this part. I really want to CD but have do some convincing to get DH on board. He was not super excited when I told him I wanted to do this.
    kaylinsig1tubbab1 Lilypie First Birthday tickers image

    Compromise and Balance are key. JH.

  • Tell him about how much money it will save.  It isn't that much harder to change a cloth diaper than a disposable.  You'll also have less icky clean up since disposable diapers always seem to have blow outs.  I would much rather toss a cloth diaper into a bag than have my kid covered in poo all up her back!  There is a chart on Jillian's drawers that details how  much you save doing cloth.
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  • imagebridetobe6808:
    Thank you so much! I sort of get it now...well at least this part. I really want to CD but have do some convincing to get DH on board. He was not super excited when I told him I wanted to do this.

     I never really asked my husband at all, I sort of just told him we were doing it and that I would be the one doing the laundry.  I got a bunch of pockets so it would be just like a disposable for him though.

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  • WIthout a snappi, you'll have to replace the cover for every poopy change.. which for a newborn is at EVERY change...It's just hard to get the edge of the prefold to catch the runny stuff without a snappi to keep it tight.

    After 2 months, I feel I've gotten better at folding and covering and sometimes during the night go without a snappi since they are swaddle and not being moved much.

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