Two Under 2

Any moms have two (or more) easy pregnancies?

DH and I are starting to talk about TTC LO# 2 sometime soon.  I had a great pregnancy with DS - felt good the whole time, no morning sickness, no real issues, etc.  I am preparing myself that that will most likely NOT happen again!  However, I was curious - anyone experience 2 relatively easy pregnancies?
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Re: Any moms have two (or more) easy pregnancies?

  • ME!  My first 2 pregnancies were very easy and almost identical.  I feel a little more sick with this one but nothing I should complain about.  
    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

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  • I not only had 2 easy pregnancies, I had 2 easy newborns! Besides having some back issues with baby #2 that I needed to see a chiro for, I didnt have anything really go wrong. I never got morning sickness either time. I actually found my 2nd pregnancy easier than the first.
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  • Both my pregnancies were easy and comfortable. The only difference was being tired the second time around because you don't get to sleep as much as you want because your first child needs you. I worked full time too so I just felt exhausted all the time but it didn't bother me too much, par for the course, so to speak.
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  • In terms of pregnancy, I had two pretty easy ones. I have heard a lot of horror stories out there, and thankfully I didnt have anything out of the norm, just the usual pregnancy aches and paines. Good luck!
  • I actually think being pregnant is great! Never healthier never sick....  The only thing was the weight has a toll.. but that is it... I am lucky... maybe going to try a third
  • Both of my pregnancies were relatively easy, so much so that I actually enjoyed being pregnant.  Both boys were "easy" babies as well.  We're in discussions regarding TTC #3.


    Moved to Maple Valley, Washington January 2012
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  • imageKC_13:
    I not only had 2 easy pregnancies, I had 2 easy newborns! Besides having some back issues with baby #2 that I needed to see a chiro for, I didnt have anything really go wrong. I never got morning sickness either time. I actually found my 2nd pregnancy easier than the first.

    i think I love you. Here's to hoping preg. #2 remains easy and LO#2 is as easy as Drew! 

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  • My first two pregnancies were easy...although I had more pelvic pain with my second...but it was still very uneventful! Hoping for a third!
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  • imageericanandy:

    I not only had 2 easy pregnancies, I had 2 easy newborns! Besides having some back issues with baby #2 that I needed to see a chiro for, I didnt have anything really go wrong. I never got morning sickness either time. I actually found my 2nd pregnancy easier than the first.

    i think I love you. Here's to hoping preg. #2 remains easy and LO#2 is as easy as Drew! 

    lol! EVERYONE told me my 2nd was going to be a devil since my son was so easy. It was nice to get lucky twice. :)

    I just keep telling myself they're going to both be awful when they hit the terrible 2s for payback for the easy few years I got. haha

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  • I feel like I need to caveat my experience - my pregnancy with DD was absolutely perfect and easy up until my water broke at 34 weeks. Obviously that wasn't the ending we'd anticipated, but I still think the pregnancy itself was great, and I've been told that shouldn't repeat itself (we'll see, though...). So far this pregnancy has been just about the same. I did get a stomach bug and a few colds, but that's just bad timing, not the baby (and probably due to the fact that now I'm hanging out with a toddler all day).
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