DH and I are starting to talk about TTC LO# 2 sometime soon. I had a great pregnancy with DS - felt good the whole time, no morning sickness, no real issues, etc. I am preparing myself that that will most likely NOT happen again! However, I was curious - anyone experience 2 relatively easy pregnancies?
Re: Any moms have two (or more) easy pregnancies?
Both of my pregnancies were relatively easy, so much so that I actually enjoyed being pregnant. Both boys were "easy" babies as well. We're in discussions regarding TTC #3.
i think I love you. Here's to hoping preg. #2 remains easy and LO#2 is as easy as Drew!
lol! EVERYONE told me my 2nd was going to be a devil since my son was so easy. It was nice to get lucky twice.
I just keep telling myself they're going to both be awful when they hit the terrible 2s for payback for the easy few years I got. haha