I had a growth scan and doctor's visit yesterday, and everything looks good and the babies are big and growing- still moving along!
One thing we discussed at length during the visit was me working. I'm going to try and go to 35 weeks - I have a desk job, a 5 minute drive to work, and it's moderately stressful. My doctor says it's up to me, but he's concerned about my comfort level and says that at some point soon I may have too much belly to be driving, and at that point if I can't drive comfortably I should tap out at work.
I hadn't even considered being too big to drive before - is there any point that you (if you weren't on bedrest) couldn't drive?
Re: How long could you drive?
Almost 37 weeks and still working/driving. The seatbelt goes under my belly, across my lap, so it doesn't really affect my ability to belt in. As long as you can move the seat back enough and still reach the pedals, you'll be ok. I think it's silly that your ability to fit behind the steering wheel is what he's most concerned about.
I drove the Friday before my scheduled c/s. It was getting hard to hoist myself into the SUV, but not impossible.
I had a desk job that was pretty stressful and I stopped working around 31 weeks.
Thanks ladies! We talked about a lot of other things too with labor and delivery, but I had brought my FMLA form in and he was saying it was fine for me to work until 35 weeks, but he didn't think I'd want to and then he brought up driving (I have a SUV, husband has a coupe). Of all the things that I thought would take me out of work, being able to drive wasn't one of them, especially with barely any drive to work, so I thought I'd put it to y'all.
My Blog - It's All Part of the Adventure
Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise.
If your work is stressful, I would seriously think of stopping work sooner than 35 weeks.
I too had a demanding job. I stopped commuting at 24 weeks and worked from home until 32 weeks when it started to hurt to sit for a long time. I think I drove until about 34/35 weeks.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
I drove all the way to the end, I just had to keep moving my seat back so I fit behind the wheel. Fortunately, I have long legs.
I stopped working at 25 weeks because I was so uncomfortable. I think my office chair was designed by a masochist.