I am going back to work on Thursday (ACK!!!). I am down to pumping 6 times a day - every 3-4 hours. I am getting about twice as much as she eats. Right now I'm am pumping when she gets up in the middle of the night to eat. Since I'm going back to work I'd love to ditch the night time pump and just get up to feed her, it would save a lot of time and hopefully sleep

Give or take an hour our schedule is: 10pm eat/pump; 3am eat/pump; 630am eat/pump. So I'm going about 5 hours - is there a way to stretch that out without having to wake up again after she eats at 3? Maybe pump at 9, feed her at 10 and then again at 3? and stretch it out that way first?? Not sure how to do this.
Re: dropping the middle of the night pump session?
There's a great ivillage message board on pumping with lots of helpful advice on when you can drop pumps and how to watch your supply, etc. -
How much total are you pumping/is your baby eating each day? As long as you are above 32 ounces in 24 hours, I would say you are good to try to drop a pump.
Can you nurse at night instead of the bottle?
If not I would just drop that pump session and let your body adjust. It will hurt a few days but you will get used to it.