I'm considering prefolds for my baby...anyone have likes or dislikes about them they'd be willing to share? They seem to be the least bulky version of the different cloth diapers, and we're on a budget so those 2 reasons have swayed us so far. But we'd like to know more before buying.
Re: Use Prefolds? I need advice...
Likes? CHEAP. Virtually indestructible. Fit a wide weight range. Very trim IF you use a size where your baby is on the upper end of the listed weight range. Breathable under wool or fleece covers. Can be folded to fit virtually any baby.
Dislikes? Not as easy to use -- DH and I have no problems, but we always use pockets or AIOs when other people watch DS. Some people don't like that they feel wet. They are not as absorbent as other diapers and need to be changed more frequently. (Well, that's a plus, in my book... I don't want DS sitting around in a dirty diaper anyway.) Not the best option for overnights.
Overall, I looooooooooooooooooooooove prefolds! I do think it's a good idea to have a few easier/more absorbent diapers on hand for overnights and sitters, but if you're on a budget, you can get a lot more diapers for your money with prefolds!
Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)
All we use is prefolds, and we love them! For night time we just put a hemp liner in her diaper along with the prefold and we have never had a leak.
I agree with all that pp said, plus I feel like they wash so nicely because there's really not much to them.
It is all we use and we love them. They wash so well (and easily), and fit really well since you custom fold them to your baby. They don't need any special care other than CD detergant.
I would suggest buying some sized prefolds, Green Mountain Diapers has the best (GMDs is how you will see people refer to them on the boards). The newborn (orange edge) were a life saver for us to fit our tiny little dude, and after they outgrow them, you can use them to double or for burp cloths. I am using the Yellow edge size now, and some people say they can use that size almost to potty learning, with only one other size up needed.
To cut down on the cost of buying GMDs (since they are a tiny bit more than the generic types), you can go to diaperswappers.com and get them second hand. I have not ever had an issue with the moms on that site, and I got my WHOLE stash for less than $200 (12 newborn GMDs, 12 generic infant prefolds, 24 yellow edge GMDs, 4 thirsties duo covers, 4 snappies).
They're going to look incredibly bulky when your LO is tiny, but it gets better
We liked them for the early months, especially when DD wasn't squirmy. They take a little getting used to in terms of folds and using the Snappi, but I was surprised at how easy they were. We have a pretty heavy wetter, so they didn't last long before we needed more absorbency. Now we use fitteds and pockets.