DH was gone all weekend helping my BIL. Left Friday right after work, got home last night at 10. He had something to do tonight after work and is still not home, and will be out again tomorrow night. This is not normal, he normally is out 1 night a week. I am exhausted. I am sick of watching kids shows instead of adult shows. And as bad as it sounds, I am sick of dd's non stop chatting from the time she wakes up until she falls asleep. I am also tired f ss and his viseo game, since he talks to his friends via xbox and apparently has no f*ing concept of an inside voice.
I need a few hours in a room alone with no one asking me to do things for them or with them. And at this point, I could are less if it makes sound like a crappy parent. All I have done is cook, clean and interact for 4 straight days. And god help this child if she ignores me one time.
Re: I need a break, badly!
....and....the other shoe drops!
This is the part about being a SAHM sucks. In the 15 months I was home with the kids, I think I had less than 5 days away from them. 24/7 with those two. For over a year. NOT my idea of fun (and probably not theirs either)!
Looking back, it was my fault for not MAKING the time for me and I should have insisted that I go out once a week on my own to "refresh."
Tell your DH you are going out tonight -- -and go somewhere for a few hours. Even to a book store and read a magazine. ANYTHING -- just get out for a few by yourself.
Thursday I am going to Happy Hour. Dh is coming too, since I haven't seen him in days either! I can't wait to talk to adults.