Cloth Diapering


Boyish BSRB AIO without snaps. EEUC. Still very soft, no stains or tears, perfect elastic. I just don't like the snapless kind. $18PPD



3 NB AIOS, all WAHM, specific makers unknown. Both skull diapers prepped but never used because we forgot about them. Stripey one was too small when I bought it used. Faint staining, otherwise perfect: $6PPD each, or $15 for all 3.


Inner of striped one:


5 Small Bummis Super Whisper Wrap Covers: $4PPD each, prefer to sell together. Bought used, never used or washed. VGUC because they look like they have been used, but function is perfect. No staining. Perfect elastic and velcro.


3 brand new without tags/packaging, never washed/prepped. Kissaluv contours. These just aren't for us. $6each PPD (cost $6.95 + shipping when I bought them)


My ISO list: all boyish or GN, all EUC or VGUC without function defects: BGEs, Piddle Poddle Cadillacs, Thirsties Duo Wrap size 1 covers, B4 fitteds.

Please PM me :) Thanks, mamas! $65PPD if you want everything.




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