How typical is it that people don't RSVP on time! I inquired about a specific invitee to my hostesses and they said they haven't received a single RSVP. I followed up face to face or via email and almost everyone stated they were attending but haven't seen me to let me know. The invite stated to RSVP the hostesses! What gives!
Re: Guests not RSVPing!
This. Manners are fast falling by the wayside for many people. It's very frustrating and depressing.
I didn't have any RSVP to my wedding shower either. Here in my community, some people might write "RSVP" on the invitations but few expect any responses. Its just not something we really do around here. Especially for just a shower. Our showers are generally pretty relaxed and are more like "open houses". So I totally agree with you. I also understand how it might be frustrating if there are really hostesses who are counting on the guests to respond.
I have had the worst time with this too. We did a facebook invite and a lot of people still haven't rsvp'd. I followed up with an email reminder and more people are rsvping now.
For my wedding when we sent out formal invites only 1 person rsvp'd and we invited nearly 150 people. Almost everybody that was invited showed up tho. It was weird.
At the time, the shower was about two weeks away. Fortunately, everything turned out great in the end.
What date did you put for the RSVPs? After that date passes, start calling those who haven't contacted you. And no, don't assume anything. You'll end up spending money on things you don't need or not have enough.
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