I ran out of diaper soap on Saturday (HUGE duh on my part). I have an order headed my way, but I have a feeling it's not going to be here until the end of the week. I really can't afford/don't want to go out to the store and buy something for this week. What would you do?
(They have all been sprayed and put into a wet bag.)
I'm thinking of running them through using just a cold cycle to get them nice and wet and then leave them sitting until the soap comes?
HELP! I've never had a stain or lingering smell issue so now I'm starting to get nervous
Re: I can't wash- HELP!
Honestly, I'd probably go to the store and pick up a detergent that was OK, even if it wasn't fantastic, and use that. Then when you get your preferred CD detergent again, you'd want to wash and rinse really well, but you'd know they were clean in the meantime and you'd have that detergent as backup the next time you were running low on your preferred CD detergent.
Or is that a really bad idea? We use Arm and Hammer Sensitive, so I don't ever have to wait on the mail because I can buy it here. I would think that unless you're dealing with really sensitive skin or have had some problems with picking out the right detergent that a one or two day switch wouldn't cause huge issues, but I will freely admit that I've only ever used one detergent. Can anyone more experienced weigh in on the advisability of doing this?
As far as stains, they might happen. If so, you can sun the diapers to remove them. What kind of diapers are you using?
Personally, I would run out and get some regular tide to hold me over. I would not let them sit wet in your washer for the rest of the week. You may have bigger problems (like mold/mildew) than stains if you let them sit there.
I would just use regular Tide.
This. I wouldn't want to let them sit that long, either unwashed or wet in the washer.
What kind of detergent do you use for your clothes? If it's not rated too terribly I would probably just do that. Could you get some blue dawn? I think it was less than a dollar when I got it last time. You can use than in lieu of detergent.
ETA: If money is tight you can usually get a travel thing of Tide for <$1
This. I would probably use this as an opportunity to strip all my diapers using dawn. Diapers can always use a good stripping.
If not, I'm pretty sure that the sample section at Target has samples of Tide.
Thanks ladies. I actually HAD been using Tide, so it's no biggie to go get some and use that. I had a feeling that was going to be the answer anyway!
I'm just kicking myself for having to double buy! Haha!